Foundry No Escape

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ONeill117, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    No Escape
    After the ODSTs dropped feet first into this empty warehouse, they discovered there was No Escape

    Download No Escape

    Made by ONeill117. We are pround to present what is possible the smallest functioning competitive map in history (7x7 single boxes) and for this reason, it is best suited as a doubles map or perhaps 3v3. It is set up for, and works well with, Slayer, Team Slayer, KOTH, Oddball, 1 Flag, Multi Flag, 1 Bomb, and Neutral Assault. The basic structure that this maps is built on is two L-shapes, joined at their corners by a window, surrounding this is two alleys, which make up a basic figure of 8. In the non-alley corners are the two miniature bases, with their line of sight blocked by a big wall in the middle. there are many ledges to get up down and around, as well as an extensive weapon list. Whilst this map may seem hectic, playtesting shows that once players get their bearings, play becomes a lot more strategic. It is not easy to get good pictures of this map due to Foundry's 'ceiling', so it can look a little clustered, however, if you download this, there is a lot more space to play around in. Take a look!

    This gives an overview from one corner, showing dark base on the right and light base on the left. Sniper cave can be seen in the middle and the barriers at the bottom indicate the centre of the map
    This is from the opposite corner, showing the sword located under light base
    Here is a better look at light base
    Here is a better look at dark base
    This is dark alley / dumpster alley. The needler shows where the camera was positioned for the sniper photo
    This is light alley / box alley. Also, the two bridges running around as a rim can be seen
    Here is bottom mid that I was trying to describe above. The 'window' allows for hilarious cat 'n' mouse episodes

    Weapon List (number/respawn rate/spare clips)
    BR x5, 60, 2
    Carbine x1, 60, 2
    Needler x1, 60, 2
    Mauler x1, 60, 1
    Plasma Rifle x1, 30, n/a
    Pistol x1, 30, 2
    SMG x2, 45, 2
    Brute Shot x1, 60, 1
    Plasma Pistol x1, 45, n/a
    Energy Sword x1, 120, n/a
    Sniper x1, 90, 2
    Frag Grenade x4, 20, n/a
    Plasma Grenade x6, 30, n/a
    Spike Grenade x4, 20, n/a
    Trip Mine x2, 60, n/a
    Power Drain x1, 60, n/a
    Overshield x1, 180, n/a
    Active Camo x1, 180, n/a

    Hopefully, this gives you an idea of the map, and please, don't knock it till you've tried it. The close quarters gameplay idea is rarely done (especially having a map so tiny) but it works really well. The majority of this map was done pre-merging (except bottom mid) but this only really applies to the outer casing and does not affect gameplay. Also, there is the possibility of changing the weapon list to make an MLG small team slayer map, which I think would work very well!
    I will try and reply to all questions and will listen to any advice
    Thanks for reading

    Download Map
    #1 ONeill117, Aug 4, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  2. Mattie 400

    Mattie 400 Ancient
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    Looks good however you should try and use interlocking. If you don't know what it is, head on down to forging 101 in the other section of forgehub. This will let you forge open boxes into other boxes so it doesn't create a bump and it'll also let you merge 2 walls together, make one higher than the other, then you don't have to use barricades and weapon holders to make cover, the raised wall will be there.

    Good first effort. 3/5 for now, try interlox on it. God Luck! :)

    EDIT: Sorry, didn't see about it being made before merging was discovered. Sorry :p
  3. Uh hmm Ya

    Uh hmm Ya Ancient
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    For such a small map you really have a lot of weapons. When i make maps, i always try to keep the game even and for the players to use there spawn weapon as much as possible. Let the players use there skills and srategy to win the game insted of feeding them power weapons. Also try some interlocking and flip the double boxes over so it is smoother.
  4. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    Just like Uh hmm Ya said, there does seem to be a bit to many weapons. You should try interlocking also, and turn the boxes upside down for a smoother surface. You can tell from the third pic theres a lot of weapons on the map. Good job though, first maps are usually not the greatest (I remember My first map, lol, major suckage, I removed it from my file share immeadiately) but you still managed to do a good job. 3/5 for me, if you have any questions about any of the forging techniques I mentioned, head over to the Forging 101 section. Good work.
  5. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    yeah this map was quite difficult to make, hopefully though with my new found forge techniques I might be able to make a version 2? but i dont reli have the budget to be adding in objects, and if i merge them together it will change the dimensions of the map? don't reli know what to do...
    EDIT: haha no need to apologise!

    And also, i think I might release a v2 with a MUCH reduced weapons list and maybe even a revamped middle section? Also this map may work well with radar removed and an MLG weapon list maybe? what do you think
  6. Esposito 14

    Esposito 14 Ancient

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    yeah i agree, lol, i've played this map but I had to change to AR starts and only snipers on map, it worked ALOT better, actually, so did BR starts objective games. I would also agree that 6 players on this map is too many, 5 maybe for all on all, but 2v2s work best IMO. 3/5, a v2 (with MOAR INTERLOKS!) would be more like a 4/5 tho. good job
  7. ShadowSilencer

    ShadowSilencer Ancient
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    I actually disagree with interlocking the walls for cover. I believe that barriers make the map look better, and potentially destroyable cover can sometimes make game play more interesting. Forging the boxes together to avoid bumps is a very good idea though. 6/10
  8. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    k, i think you've got enough bitching for not merging. dem noobs don't know anything anymore -.- just because a map doesn't have merging doesn't automatically make it a shitty map. sure, i think the quality of the map would improve if merging would be used, but still. just calm down, a map without merging is still a map.

    anyways, from the pics, this map looks great for 3v3 or 2v2. but have you tested it for ffa? shield doors are kinda noobish- they allow players to camp, so i would advise removing them if you plan on making a v2.

    and yeah... there are too many weapons on the map. look at pic 3: i spy with mah little eye... 3 battle rifles, a plasma pistol, a brute shot, 2 smgs, 2 plasma grenades, a trip mine, and looking at pic 2, there is apparently an energy sword inside the single box. ALL of those weapons piled into such a small area? srsly.
  9. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Wow. It looks like you put as much effort possible to make this map extra small to have the excuse it's the smallest playable map. It's a little cramped...
  10. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    actually, i was making another map which used the same underground tunnels when a friend suggesting using just that for the basis of another map, which i did, and No Escape was born.
    as for the crampedness, when playing on the map it does infact offer some midrange lines of sight, and you never feel squashed in as there are so many ways to go
  11. Esposito 14

    Esposito 14 Ancient

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    yeah ive knocked up a little MLG bases v2, should i send it to you? it works reli well on this small map actually!
  12. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    yeah if you could post a link on it here that would be cool, maybe we could collab. sometime? cheers

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