No Escape No Escape is a fully enclosed medium sized map that is good for fast-paced, close quarters FFA and Team Slayer games. It is on the ground floor of Sandbox, and features several various rooms and hallways laid out asymmetrically which provide great gameplay. The map design itself was largely influenced by classic FPS action from games such as Goldeneye and Unreal Tournament. Screenshots: One of the hallways. Get your BR locked and loaded! Watch out for an ambush from above! Leads to shotgun spawn. The main/middle room. Also the biggest. Are you brave enough to grab that overshield? Certain death lingers around every corner.. that is unless you know when to throw them 'nades! Another view from the main room. Expect a lot of action here! Bubble Shield room. Active camo and rocket spawn. Hmm.. now where did he get that? >>Download<< This is the second map I have posted here on Forgehub, so any sort of feedback would be nice. I'm open to constructive criticism, as I am looking to improve for future maps. Cheers
dude this is great man ill check it out i just download it its a pretty cool idea ill let you know my finnal feedback after i take a look. also try looking at a map i just posted its called Submerged V.89
This is EXACTLY the kind of map I have been looking for. A multi-room, multi-hallway map that works well with slayer. If you could make a bigger one, I like larger slayer maps rather than smaller ones, but still this looks great. If you can show us an overview just to show us what you mean by "medium-sized." Either way, Bravo. I like the ambushes and traps for people to get creative. However, the aesthetics are just okay, if you know what I mean. If you have any items that you can still use, I would recommend adding either add extra rooms (that are as good as the ones in these pics) or adding extra aesthetics. Aesthetics are important in maps like these. I'm going to download this and I might change a few things, but I won't play until the weekend, and will probably forget to post another comment. Thanks for the map either way.
wow u wernt kidding about close quarters for this map. well i think that maybe take off the filter to get a clear view of the map, since its up close. maybe for the thread, put some wepons and equipment if there is any. just by the inside pictures it looks really cool, intersing kinda map to play on, sadely probly an AR start game. well good job with the map.
ya this is really cool there are a few things im a little iffy about... the background color that goes with it is a lil strange. somtimes its blinding with the sword and all but it works ok i guess. and the kill ball in the hole lol that was a surpirse to me. Another question thou. has it been proved that you can not appear outside the map.... if you can then you might wannna through in a few portals so they can get back in. i really like that one ledge that you have to go around up a walk way and jump to get to in and right befor you jump there is a shotgun thats pretty cool overall this is a good map 9/10
Aha, this is exactly why I made such a map.. it is exactly what I wanted to play. It is actually a fair size, which takes up most of the ground floor of Sandbox minus a few block widths apart. I didn't take an overview picture with the ceiling removed because it was quite an effort to put it on, with a few interlocks here and there... and I didn't place the ceiling last because I didn't want to go over the item/budget limit. Thanks for your feedback, aesthetics do seem to be a weak point here.
Cool I'm looking forward to playing it. If aesthetics interfere with gameplay, you are right by not adding it, but the best way to make it better would be to change the background FX. It just doesn't seem to fit with the map for me, for some reason. I'm sure some people will like it. I personally think that either regular or juicy would work well here... I would wait for more people to suggest this though, because I know not many people like juicy and might prefer this.
If you look at my other map yeah I'm a fan of gloomy >_< It doesn't really matter though, my next map I'll probably just skip effects altogether.
All right. Just so you know, I thought gloomy worked perfectly on that other map. But since this is an indoor base, the colors of the boxes get too bright with gloomy. If you ever decide to make a v2, I would take out the effects. It's up to you though.
I'm probably not going to make a v2, however I enjoyed making this type of map and will probably take it out this time around. I'm also taking all other comments into consideration, and I'm slowly getting used to using interlocking more often.