NITRO Auther: MufcDude Gametypes Supported: RACETRACKS Recommended Players: 2-8 Players Nitro is my first Racetrack posted on forgehub. Although a good lap will take you around 23 seconds, its anything but an easy ride. You start and go up a hill before turning right round a banked corner. You then come across a sharp right turn. Ahead is a banked U-turn, the finsh line, then another U-turn, after that you're back at the hill. OverView Unfortunatly it's the best overview I could get. It shows the top of the hill, part of the banked turn, part of the banked U-Turn and the finish line. Starting gate Where you spawn. After 20 seconds, a box (That is geomerged down to the height of a mongoose) pops up and lets you free. Ready, Steady, GO! Your first sight of track when you spawn. On the left you may notice the red, yellow and light blue lights; These are to signal when you will be released. The red is already spawned. After 10 seconds the yellow spawns and after 20 seconds the light blue spawns which signals the realease of the mongooses. You can also see the hill up ahead. The Hill Nothing interesting, just a plain old hill. Its the first thing you come across when you are let free. The Big Banked Turn My Favorite part. After turning right at the top of the hill, you come to the banked turn. The Sharp Corner The exit of the big banked turn. You come across a sharp right turn. This is where most people fall off. Just remember to slow down at the end of the big banked turn. It can be easily done by braking but it will slow down your lap time. The Banked U-Turn Next is a banked U-turn to the right. You may occasionally fall off here if you turn too early The Finish line Not much can be said here except the teleporters take you back to the start as a penalty if you go through on foot. The Final corner The final corner before you're back at the start. Its a U-Turn to the left. The Creator And Finally, Me powersliding round the big banked turn. Download NITRO
This map shows very good merging. I also love the start with the box geomerged into the wall and the power up as lights. I wonder if you can make green out of the 3 power ups? I really like how smooth this is right here: The only thing I see that I don't like is the bridge starting this could be a little smoother by geomerging it into the ground:
Ah yes, time to post on your wonderfully delightful map. Nice work on the banks, and yes, it does look pretty short. But its short in the sense that its gonna tick you off a couple times before you get it. Nice starting line details. I can't download yet, but as soon as I can, I'll be sure to give it a look. Very nicely done, sir.
This race track has got a pretty nice structure. The banked turns look very well interlocked and are incredibly smooth. Getting your angles just right with the walls is incredibly hard and you've nailed it. As the track width is large enough less people are likely to fall off of the map wihich is definately a good point. Also having the territory at that point in the map is great. It prevents camping in the area to get points - so thumbs up for that. Also, I think that the most unique thing here is the beggining. I don't think I have seen a map that starts with the mongooses driving upwards that far before. It's a really nice aspect to include and I'm sure that it helps with building up speed by travelling around the map downwards. Great job - 4/5
This is a really good race map. it is really short but you used a lot of objects to make it really smooth. i love the bridge and double box turn. i do have to agree that the start of the bridge hill could have been geomerged to make it even better but you cant have everything. I love your patient. i probably couldnt have built this because it must have taken a lot of patience and redoing and i cant stand doing that. Overall, this is a really good racetrack and i am glad people are still building racetracks even though most think they are getting boring.4.9/5 and a definite download
Wow,this map does impress me.I don't thing its geomerged but it does stick to the clean feel,feeling.The double box part is probably the best part in the race map. Some other things i liked were the bank turn and how the finish line is in mid air so you can't cheat.The whole thing is very well constructed. Like others have said,you could geomerge a little even if it doesn't change the gameplay much,it would just make more people happier, The only other thing i would say is to spice up the place just a little bit more.You know,be creative so this map could stand out even more. Great map,looks nice to play with friends.4/5
This is very well-forged, but very small. There are a few minor issues not worth the mention. However, my biggest issue when testing was the "banked turn". For some reason I had trouble remaining on the track. Other than that, the layout is great, as well as the interlocking. Good job!