First, Nite. I posted a preview for an earlier build of Nite not too long ago, but it has been rebuilt for the sake of cleanliness, framerate, and a few small changes to the layout I wanted to make. I took concepts from many Quake Live maps and quite a few forge maps and mashed them all together to form Nite. Now, Gallant. I have posted two previews of Gallant before this, along with an adoption. I have given and taken back this design multiple times now, but it's back in my hands and better than ever. Gallant revolves around a CPU bottom mid that allows you to jump from the very bottom of the map to the highest point. If you want to give either of these a go, you can get the maps and their gametypes out of my Fileshare. Any feedback is welcome.
Two maps you'll never post in one thread? That must be a new record. Anyway, I've played neither, but I've seen plenty of Gallant although I've not seen Nite. I guess I'll have to play both sometime.
/never-gonna-be-posted I like Gallant a lot but I still haven't warmed up to Nite. I'm glad you didn't give up on Gallant.
Seriously, you'd better post these. They're too beautiful not to. We played on Nite together, and I have to say, it was quite an enjoyable and creative map. I've seen Gallant a lot and I'm looking forward to seeing any changes you've made to it, big or small. Again, I say, POST THEM.
Have you considered just replacing all your "Map Preview" prefixes with "Map Adoption"? Gallant looks like it would be a stick to high ground battle, not that that's a bad thing, but it can limit gameplay. Nite looks good and goes well with the purple FX.
I'll join the rest of these people and say that these need to be finished up and posted instead of forgotten. How old is Gallant now with how many verisons? I would like to see Nites new look if we ever both get on Reach. i have a feeling that I wont be on Reach for a while lol Hope to play these
Actually, there've been more in one thread. And Gallant probably will judging by how many times I've come back to it. Hey, thanks man! Thank you. Thanks and will do. I considered it once, but decided it wasn't for me. The top landing pad is rarely held out, really. You're moving almost constantly on the new version from what I've experience playing it. And thank you. Gallant.. is old. 10 months-ish. Thanks <3 I don't know how to respond to that. It is now. Indeed it does/did. Definitely not.