Ninja Slayer

Discussion in 'Reach Gametypes' started by Gnappy, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    True Ninja know the value of a clean kill. That and silencing your greatest threat...

    Ninja slayer is a great gametype where you move like lightning and kill even quicker. I've had the most fun with six to eight players, but it scales well so long as your map is large enough. Eight players on Hemorrhage is fun as hell. Might want to turn a waypoint on the leader for those larger ones though.

    It's great seeing a lone guy running and a wave of speedy blurs launching around after him. It's also awesome to see someone appear out of nowhere and slash, swords clashing with a Ninja, then one of them streaks away and vanishes!

    I love playing this gametype. :)


    Base Traits:
    No shields
    No Health Regen
    150% Jump
    150% Player Speed
    Good Camo
    Black Color
    Unlimited Energy Swords

    Same as above, save for-
    120% Speed
    150% damage resistance (for that edge in a sword clash)
    Normal Radar out to 75m
    No Camo
    White Color

    Mongeese only
    No weapons on map
    No grenades

    2 points per kill,
    5 for spree kills,
    10 for an assassination,
    10 for a leader kill,
    and 150 to win

    There's also a Team version with it's own scoring. Leader kills only net a 5 point bonus, as anyone on the leading team that has gotten a kill will have Leader traits.
    #1 Gnappy, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2011
  2. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Seems awesome, and ive been thinking of making something similair lately. Im downloading now, although I dont have Gold at the moment so it may take some time to post feedback.
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Wow buddy me and you had the same idea for a slayer game (I've been testing mine out for over a month now) you have done yours differently but it seems to work well.Maybe add an active camo class for a radar jammer class or something?
  4. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The camo is actually a base player trait, not a class, so what would end up happening is a player would just turn into an invisible no radar zone, and only to the leader- and on top of that it would also come at a sacrifice to mobility. I will look into it though! :]

    I'm curious to see how you pulled yours off as well! Could you link me to it?

    Thanks for the download!
  5. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Well active camo for mine is also a base trait and plus it its a firefight GT. The link is in my sig. But if you want I can PM it to you.
  6. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OH! I saw that! looked fun. I'mma give it a go.

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