Yes... Its true... I got NINJA NADES! This was a random and funny thing that happened to me in a team doubles match after my teammate quit.
Actually its the second time this has happend to me, the first time it wouldn't let me save it though. Im pretty sure it was just lag.
this couldn't have been a MM team doubles because you have the flare, I'm leaning on the border of fake, because the medal doesn't pop up that fast.
He got the assassination, then looked at an explosion. Either he was trying to fake it, or he's just genuinely surprised that he got an assassination.
It would've helped if the person was dead as well. He's still alive as you can see. In abotu 1 sec he would've been dead.
It wouldn't quite point towards being fake as, judging from the position that the SS is taken from they could have been picked up after being thrown seeing as there are two Plasmas there. However, my question is how did you kill someone that, according to the game stats, was not in the game? The name is your top kills but he doesn't show up? Regardless I don't think its true. A video would be nice to prove me wrong.