this looks really sloppy if you want my dwl plz make it so the walls are fuse withing the double boxs and the stairs 2 of them look like you can shoot or throw nades under the map
I kind of wish your map sucked so i could make a funny and say it was a nightmare of a map. Unfortunately, you have saddened me as i am not able to make a funny. I like your map anyways though. Very nice interlocking. I can't imagine that CTF of Assault would work well with this map.....its too open for those. Great for oddball, KOTH, Jugsrnot all slayer types and possibly VIP. I commend you on your good forging. Have a virtual muffin. 5/5
I really enjoy seeing people who take the time to show us the map before it is finished. It really gives an idea to the viewers exactly what you were trying to accomplish. The map is very well constructed and, I think, would make an excellent 1v1 arena. This is just the beginning for you, though, so I encourage you to keep going. I would also like to note the symmetrical style you used. It makes the whole map look professional. The merging is also impressive, as it must have taken you a long time to complete. Definitely keep Forging!
this looks like an MLG map, but anyway, it looks like a really great close quarters map. the interlocking is really good and everything. nice job!
7 Hours Ago #9 (permalink) CC Pybus Junior Member"If I were you I would have used upturned bridges as a floor it looks smoother, but it still looks very good nice interlocking 4/5." AKILLYEZ - the ground isnt realy that bumpy and it is far to intence and fast paced to even notice thx for the comment
looks good, i'd DL but i'm really tight for custom content space right now, maybe later when my brother gets his own account and i can delete all of his crap
I am tying to set up four team neutral flag on this map, but am not quite sure as to how i can do that. Anyone know?
maby put the flag near the sword that way all teams will fight over it and it would still be fair also make sure the ctf gametype is changed ( flag carrior is slow, quick respawns ) otherwise, it would be an easy capture thx for the download
trust me it is far better with more people if its 1v1 the one guy can totaly dominate with the sword unless u pull of some good gameplay =) thx for the comment and download
The beastley map This map is insane. If i could i would give it a 10 out of 5 stars. Akillyez makes the best maps around. If anyone here doesnt agree with me please do us the favor and leave wut ever country your living in. GREAT MAP AKILLYEZ AND KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This map looks like alot of work went into it. I really enjoyed the progression pics. I say leave the sword where it is. Like you said having it in a very visible, central position makes it a perfect rushable weapon at the start of the match and every time it spawns. Great job. Downloaded.
Wow nice work man way to go! It all looks very even (What I mainly look for) and almost, dare I say, perfect! I dunno how well it would work out with more than 4 people, but this would make an epic 1v1 or 2v2 map! As far as I see, the only big problems are people being stupid and getting out of the map thinking they're cool. Other than that, this looks great. Overall 4/5. ~~Doog Nit
lol. srry man but i am currently working on a v2 for this map. it will be more smooth and have better gameplay. the spawns will be fixed to make the gameplay more fun and i can assure u that it will be just as good as the first. im almost done with it so get ready to download soon.
Hey man nice map, is there like a bottom area? cause spawn killing might be a problem, but i cant check that since my parents banned me from Xbox cause i forged too much (i forged their signatures) so ill rate this a 4/5 cause the interlocking looks pretty snazzy, cant tell from pics if there is geo-merging, and yea tell me if im smoking something strong and there is something more to the map D34thly F1r3