Night Life

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by jebby457, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. jebby457

    jebby457 Ancient
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    Name: Night Life (download here)
    Base Map: Blackout
    Players: 6-16 (1v1 and doubles can be quite intense though)
    Best Gametypes: KOTH, SWAT, Big Team Slayer, ideal for laidback custom games

    Description: Night Life takes you to parts of the map that you will never see on the standard map and brings you closer to the icy waters of Blackout. The main theme of the map is the addition of many suspended bridges and double boxes that are attached to the main base of the map to provide new playing areas and shortcuts.

    On the top, there are attachments that provide a new improved sniper tower, a shortcut between the top of the grav lift and Snipe 1 as well as an Active Camo point. The most interesting part of the map is the layout of suspended platforms that creep out underneath the map right around the oil rig and back up to the main areas. There is also a sneaky shortcut through the window next to the Energy Sword to add new strategies to the map.

    The map's weapons have been mainly untouched, but it is worth mentioning that the sniper has been replaced with a BR as the new sniper tower works better (this has a Beam Rifle just to have something different). The additions in weaponry are small, but the most significant is the Mauler on a lower walkway. Other additions include the Active Camo, Trip Mine and extra BRs.

    The map is best suited to KOTH as it forces players to move all over the map, making the best use of all the various shortcuts that are available. SWAT is particularly good fun on this map due to the many levels that can be fired from.

    Night Life was designed to increase the number of people that can play on Blackout without it becoming stupid and is also an interesting alternative to the original. This map is worth using in custom parties when Blackout is being considered.










    An action shot...[​IMG]

    I can tell you from experience that this map is worth downloading and will enhance your time on Blackout, but the decision is ultimately up to you. I hope you do and if you do... have fun!



    NOTE ABOUT MAN CANNON: some people have said that it doesn't work - it does. To prevent yourself from being thrown into the sea, just walk into the man cannon without jumping or holding the thumbstick forward. You will be thrown into a wall that acts as a blocker and you will land nicely on the platform.
    #1 jebby457, Apr 17, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2008
  2. KB

    KB Ancient
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    This does not meet the Forge Hub standards read here to find out why (yes posting maps is very annoying)
  3. jebby457

    jebby457 Ancient
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    Christ, what a mickey take. Do I have to get all these pictures in Photobucket and then put them in here? Is there an easy way of doing this without print screen and Paint?
  4. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Not that I know of. It is very confusing and takes a lot of time. I know from experience
  5. Mayesyboy

    Mayesyboy Ancient
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    Right Click on the pic and save it.
  6. jebby457

    jebby457 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I believe I have reached the standards.
  7. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Gives a nice view of how far you can get down
  8. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good, it would be way better if you interlocked things though.
  9. jebby457

    jebby457 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know, but interlocking suspended objects is the most frustrating Forge task in the world. I don't think the hours of fiddly work will make much difference. The pictures show all there has been added to the map. Thanks for the comment, guys, I hope this map reaches the standards around here - I've already found out that they're extremely high.
  10. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know what you're talking about. But it would still look cleaner.
  11. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    Looks really sloppy. Interlocking is a must for a small map like this i believe.
  12. jebby457

    jebby457 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I did my best - it took me several hours to make this and I'm dead proud of it. Can't you be a little more tolerant of those who don't have lots of time on their hands? Perhaps a positive comment or two for my hard work as well as advice on better platform/weapon placement? I have no intentions of interlocking this map - it's good enough as it is.

    With respect, I think you should go easy on new members: I know a lot of people who'd be scared off by comments like that. I'm staying because I want to show my maps to the world, but I hope I'm not going to be shunned for not producing perfect maps. I know ForgeHub is meant to be the elite Forge site, but I thought it was more tolerant of imperfections than that.



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