Night Crawl : night crawl is a dark night map again and its on the side ledge of forgeworld. I havent seen anyone use it yet. But yah thats like it and its ment for jetpack usage. Items : 1- Rocket 2- Sparten Lasers 1- Gernade Launcher 2- Drop shields 2- Hologram 2- Shade Turrets Pictures:
You need at least one picture/video for every map post. If you don't have one, the Mods will give you 24 hours to correct your mistake, or else your thread will be Locked, meaning it will be completely unviewable. To embed your pictures from Halo: Reach, you'll need to go into Theater mode, take snapshots of your map, put those snapshots into your fileshare, and then save the pictures off of your fileshare. Once you have the pictures saved to your computer's hard drive, you'll need to go to an "Image Sharing website", like Imageshack. Simply upload the picture onto there, and the website should guide you through the rest. Remember, you cannot simply post the picture here. Follow the instructions I have given you. You have twenty-four hours. Cheers, HarisSales.
Ya... first of all you need some pictures... Secondly, you say the map is built for jetpacks but you put holograms and drop sheilds... Also, you ahve the map totaly over powering with lasers and rocket and grenade launcher. Try spliting up the weapons and stuff. Make it more skill shooting... so put in some DMRs
Pictures comming soon: Pictures i cant ADD ATM cause bungie is giving me an error message so cant download pictures unless they are in thumbnail form so it will come soon. <--- What i said in the post or w.e IK it will be locked if not up but isnt my fault that i cant get pictures ATM. is giving me error messages and im sure before i go to bed it will be fixed so will be up... Also the map might have alot of power wepons but its a big spreaded out map and what i did was had the Gernade launcher only able to get if you have a jep pack, and rockets is in middle for Fairness. plus the red base has a good advantage so i evened it out by making the blue base have some advantages too so it isnt one team wins all the time. Also yes it has holograms and stuff because you can get around without jetpacks but i suggest using them * Meaning the options have jetpack in it* * Love how people accually read my post - Joke -