Maybe I'm just stupid but I've never realized this before. If you're setting the coordinates for a large hill or other object, there's a quicker way to do it. For instance, lets say you need your object to have a width of 29.5 and a length of 48.5. It can be annoying to have to hold down the joystick for 4-5 seconds before it speeds up. There is a way around this! If you just hold the joystick an an angle, it will instantly speed through the numbers. If you don't get what I mean, examples would be North East, North West, South East, and South West on a compass. Again, I'm probably way late on this discovery.
I'm fairly certain I remember reading this on here somewhere. Still nice to know for those who don't though; nice find!
Dammit. I was just about to say it's safe to say I discovered it. Oh well, it's not a huge find anyways. Still helpful though...
that is awesome, thank you so much placing objectives and respawn zones just got a little more bearable
Wouldn't surprise me Its strange how few people know about this, its such a time saver! I'm sure people must have found it before me and yet people are still amazed when they're told about this "new" trick! I guess the same thing may have happened for holding the thumbstick for small movements if they hadn't put it in the ViDoc. We need more people posting this trick everywhere!
It didnt amaze me, but its still cool. Plus, I didnt know about the left-sticking technique for a while, and I didnt see that ViDoc, I stumbled upon it (the technique ). I wonder how many other little tricks there are that no one knows about yet.
Wow, I never knew that. Thanks Skisma, that always pissed me off. Now I don't have to waste time waiting. If you've any more little tricks please let us know.
I found that it works better for me when I swing the analog, Directly south along the edge to south-east kind of motion.