Nexus Hey there good people of FH! This is my new map: Nexus. It is a reasonably large map, suited for 6-14 players. This has been in the making for over a month of on and off forging (sleepiness and laziness were to blame). It has a couple of interesting lines of sight that really spices up gameplay. Well, enough talking, lets go straight to the juicy stuff, the screenshots. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Screenshots Overview Other side Red side Blue side Rocket spawn Red base Blue base Mauler & Plasma pistol spawn Ghost spawn (same on red side) Lines of sight Brute shot spawn (same on other side) Red platform (same on other side) View from second level of base Well, thats it. Just leave your comments below. I will add a weapon list when I remember it all.
Well it looks like you have the overall design and weapon/equiptment/vehicle placement finished. So what else do you have to do?