Hello and i am crazyman2244 and this is my first time posting on forgehub and for my first map i think its pretty good. So i am here with a map and i present to you... Nexus Now i know that everybody just wants pictures so here they are! look in at blue base. Look in at red base DMR at red base. DMR at blue base. Stick Gernades at red base. Stick Gernades at blue base. Sniper Spawn. Shoutgun Spawn same on the other side. Rocket Lauchen spawn. Overveiw of the map. weapon spawn times 6 DMR/ 30 secs/ x2 clips 1 Sniper Rifle/ 160 secs/ x1 clips 1 Rocket Launcher/ 180 secs/ x1 clips Shotgun/ 120 secs/ x1 clips Needler/ 45 secs/ x2 clips Thank you for checking out my map Nexus. If you missed the download you can download it here: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details until next time... BYE!
Haha, I like you ending to this post, very cool, almost like mine on Apothia. Check that out. Anyways you thumbnail isnt working. An overview would be nice. Honestly, I dont know whats worse, the bottom of the colosseum, or wall colosseums. That alwasy bugs me, the inside of the colosseum. (Personally) Anyways...Your weapon times seem to be near the right times for this map.
Thanks for the feedback and i have herd of people not likeing the floor and walls. the wepon times i didnt know about untill after i had them all placed so i looked at spawn times from the cage and went with some time close to that for the Rockets, Sniper and Shotgun, but ill add that overveiw pic in the morning and ill check out your post and how to co a thumbnail pic.
When we played this yesterday, my team and I were pretty much in agreement about the map. The basic layout and design of the map was good, and the ma was fun to play on. However, there were two problems that deterred from the overall experience. The first problem was screenlag. You used a lot of glass pieces, and this in conjunction with the lights on the map caused some pretty serious framerate drops. If you remove the lights, and thin out the glass pieces (particularly the double windows used under the bases), you'll have this problem solved in a jiffy. The other problem was spawning. At one point I spawned right in the enemies' base, in the middle of 4 enemies! I'm not sure exactly how you did your spawning on the map, but it would be a good idea to look at some of the tutorials around the site to improve for future maps, if not this one. Like I said though, my overall opinion of the map is a good one and I look forward to seeing any changes you make and any maps you make in the future.
thanks for letting me test this and when i made this i it was in like in early Febuary and it was my first map so in my next like four map being released soon i make sure not to have these kinds of problems with maps in the futerure so thanks for the advice.