Hello ForgeHub this is my first time doing anything at forgehub besides commenting on threads. Im here today to get some people to help me test a map that i have compleated and i was about to post when i thought i should test it first and here i am. I have some pictures of the map but not many.
You may wish to submit your map to the Testers' Guild. It's a great resource if you don't find yourself in custom games often enough to test a map yourself. It's hard to tell a lot about the map from the pictures, but it does look interesting.
thanks but i havent posted it to my fileshare yet ill see if i can get my friends who always want infection to play this oh and is there a thread for map names mine map nameing skills are teribble
Wow duck, youre on fire tonight! 2 for 2! OT: I cant really get much from the pictures because they are too small. Perhaps copy and paste the enlarged ones from b.net instead of the thumbnail pics? Before submitting to the guild, it always helps to just load up a custom game in the map by yourself or with a friend and just walk around. If you look around and maneuver your map it's easy to spot little bits of z-fighting and FPS lag. Just limiting those things make it much easier for the TG crew to provide their best gameplay feedback. right duck?