Next Map Layout

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Boyle06, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    Okay so as i've been xbox-less for the past 5-6 weeks (collage) i have been pondering on what my new layout should be... i have gone with an MLG inspired comp. map... it has an MLG like fighting with a Comp. style layout and such.

    The man idea for the map is two sections the grid and spwan zone...
    the red located in the grid is the base, while the red that says spawn is the team spawning (and such for the blue)... thus to keep the match from being too much base to base fighting and increase more BR and nading....

    I have drawn hundreds of sketches of the map and always found myself at a blank for structures.... i started this idea ALONG time ago and am still searching for the PERFECT bases that are to specific hights lend certain line of sight block other and still manage to allow an open enough arena for the vechicles to move spaciously.... I finally decieded to give what i have in a sketch-up version (thx fritzster).. Please keep in mind this is my first attempt w/ sketch-up and not everything is as perfect as it could but i asure you on the map it is and will remain to be..... The map will kindof have two layouts... the Spawn and Bases will remain while the inerterior structures and such will be different for different gametypes...

    The bases are designed to give a semi safe area for the teams while not over protecting... every asspect has been planed to look good as well as to support mid range fighting.... The walls are slanted at an angle to allow the ghost to drive over in order to quickly drop a teamate to the POSSIBLE flag score as while as to distract the kid who keeps dominating your teamates b4 they can kill the sniper.... The base may feature a drop hole in the actuall map and may also have a way to get up through the base.... (and i no i have a HUNDRED fence walls on this map... ill cross that bride when i get there...) The bases make for a nice team support and a very good KOTH stratagy as well as a nice effect to the map...

    a simple corner base with a small area that will serve as a safe respawn, as well as a nice place to hide for the future hill... I am considering including the ghost under the walk way in symetrical games... there is also a fence wall up, this gives the spawning area not only a nice look but also serves as a very funct. sheild against gran. and other weapons that may be found around the map... Also it makes stopping a KOTH cap alot harder and the starting battle alot more skill orinated...
    to tires to write more... i may add more if NE1 is still looking at this post in tom....
    #1 Boyle06, Nov 15, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2008
  2. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    Looks very interesting... how'd you... and the 3D... and the ... what? :(
  3. drak

    drak Ancient
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    I created this thread, and it just so happens that it appiles for both of you...
    @Scopulus: Check the link in that thread I made
    @Boyle: I posted this thread for you guys to post your concepts/finished creations....I hope you post it there
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    There isn't anything wrong with an idividual thread. Also, why is this in off topic?
    It belongs in Halo Forge Discussion.

    If it has to do with Halo then put it in Halo discussion or Halo forge discussion.
  5. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    OK, merging with the back bases I extremely difficult and you have to rely 95% on luck. I would change your layout plans for the back because its almost impossable to geomerge back there.
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    i disagree. i find it rather easy to merge back there. If you brace it enough, you shouldnt have a problem. If you do, your methods are flawed.
  7. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    Looks like a pretty good map you are working on there. That one structure with the double walls and the fence walls looks like it is going to be a pain. : ))

    Can't wait to see it when it's done.
  8. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ya... i never no so i just put them in Off Topic... im tired of them being moved... but if u wanna have at it... plus here post don't count... so ppl dont get infracted if they mess up... wouldnt want ppl infracted on my threads...

    Actually i haven't ever had ne problems but if I do i will change they layout... tho i am VERY DETERMINED... and i may be able to get good advice from silence also

    LAWL thanx for the concern... but actually i have already done that part... minus the fence wall part... and it isnt too tough if u no how to properly forge... and dont take TOO MANY short cuts

    MAGIC my tiny freind MAGIC... LAWL... tho im asuming u were kidding it is google sketch up... search it... or look at fritsters post (spl?)

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