Hello hubbers, At 3:00 AM eating a cold omelet during my weekly stroll of the weekly update on Bungie.net I came across the absolute most amazing thing from Reach so far! Not really just some rather interesting stories, game information, and other various things about Reach. But what I did find were leaked pictures of the armors that will be featured in Reach. This includes, The Armory and of the Initial Armory Inventory to be found in Reach. Now! While this is just the Spartan armor I predict they will be releasing the elite armor permutations as well(we can all hope). Also, possibly pictures of flaming helmets in Reach??? I cannot tell but I hope you guys enjoy! P.S. Also included are accessories for market place Avatars.
There's already a discussion about Reach Armor's in this thread. Here But the avatars items I hope there free by completing achievements or Accomplishments from playing Reach and NOT! buying them with MS points. Elite armor comes in sets each piece can not be individually changed and they have already shown a few elite armor sets and I doubt there will be many available from the start so there wouldn't be many to show so I doubt they will be (but you can hope Juggernaut in reach beta had flaming Helmet so there is already flaming helmet pictures from reach.