Newb here starting massive WW2 project

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Strelok, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. Strelok

    Strelok Forerunner

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    Hi. Forge newb here. Prepare for massive textwall.

    I've been browsing this forum for the last 18 months and got enough map varients on sandbox for a lifetime. Well my friend decided to make a level on forge world. It's small and great for team games and when he is done he is going to post it. It took him about 10 hours to make, pretty nifty little map.

    However, I got an idea for a map on forge world that is going to take me forever. I won't be surprised if I don't finish by Christmas.

    I want to make a ww2 style normandy invasion map. I really am fascinated by ww2 and I was surprised someone hasn't started one yet.

    I started to experiment with a sniper ramp as you can see by that disaster lol.

    The spartans (allies, united kingdom)start on the small island while the elites (axis, prety much all of europe)have the mainland. The coastline will feature a lot of cover in the uphill battle.

    I plan to use the island for the spartan base. It will consist of a few high points with one or two scorpions. The scorpions will be immovable so they will serve as artillery. The spartans will have one or two turrets so spartans can become LMG/MG users.There will be one falcon, a spartan laser and maybe a rocket warhog. I plan on having a sniper class too.

    The Elites will have the mainland and the hill. It will consist of a couple of shade turrets and a movable wraith. There will be a sniper class and the elites too will have a plasma turret or two. They will have two plasma grenade launchers, a fuel rod launcher and a banshee.

    The real neat thing I found is you can actually fight in the water and go under it for cover.

    I already tested it on normal slayer so it works. I am going to add several high and low points. Some high points that expose your body and some low enough to cover your entire body. I think it would be awesome to use the water for ambushes.

    Like all invasion games, there will be two points that can be captures. I haven't decided on the areas but I am thinking one in the tunnel and one on the far side adjacent to the hangar. (I don't have a picture for the second one, sorry)

    After that, I was going to use the inland area for another fight, like the battle of the bulge. I'm still working on this phase but I am considering making houses with close corners. I'm still not sure on this phase.

    For the final Phase I thought it would be cool to have the power core in the center of a swastika (the **** symbol.) I won't directly post it for obvious reasons, so here is the link if you want to see what I'm talking about and not be offended.

    reach_4649464_Medium.jpg picture by HaloReach - Photobucket Groups

    After that, I was thinking about taking the power core up to a third reich like building at the end near the beach like on hemorrhage. And the spartans have to fight their way to the top and put the power core at the top like the soviets did in ww2 when they put their flag on top of the reich building.

    This is the first time I have ever done a forge project that wasn't a screw around and when I saw the idea the first time I wanted to beat myself because I would force myself to do the project and finish it. I've seen you guys put about 30-50 hours in on maps and from what my friend said it can be frustrating.

    So I ask you, what can make this any easier? Do I need to learn some fancy forge tricks to make things easier? Does my idea sound like a fresh can of epic fail? I need some insight before I cross the Rubicon and spend dozens of hours on this.

    So if you guys got any tips, please tell me. Thanks in advance!
  2. Niel15

    Niel15 Forerunner

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    I lol'd at the swas-never mind about that.

    I got nothing to suggest. But I do want to help you with this, I'll add you right now.
  3. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Make them bomb the swastika instead
  4. Noobforgerontheloose

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    Looks epic. The only advice i have for you is don't get discouraged. Right NOW you may not want to leave your map halfway done, but a project of this scale sounds like something that would make you think about it.
  5. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    Not sure, but this might be useful for your map idea. Recently while just forging randomly, I came upon the realization that two small bunkers can be arranged to form a sort of pillbox. Both are rotated so that they are on their sides and then phased so that their tops merge with one another. I merged them until there wasn't any more of an angled portion between them (you'll know what I mean if you try it). Then you just need to add a floor to it (if you're not merging them into the ground first); I found a 2x1 flat building block to work the best. I can upload a picture, if you don't quite understand what I'm going on about.
  6. Strelok

    Strelok Forerunner

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    Yeah I think I might need a picture.

    I'm hoping my schedule doesn't become as hectic soon, I'd really like to get started on the beach area soon.
  7. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    That swastika is... really bad actually. Lol.

    The rest of the map is coming out really cool. There were a lot in H3, but you caught Reach pretty early and don't have as much to compete with.

    Why does everyone do Normandy anyway? Why does noone do maps about the allies battling Rommand across North Africa? Or Operation Aligator or the Battle for London?

    Imagine some Invation game with Elites capturing strategic rooftops and trying to bomb the subway using Falcons and being forced onto foot towards the end.

    Blah, got way off topic there, sorry. Yeah, map is looking good, but fix up the swastika. The allies should definately bomb it too.
  8. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    For ease, I'll organize the pictures into four steps:

    Step 1: Spawn two small bunkers:

    Step 2: Rotate both bunkers as shown:

    Step 3: Merge the bunkers as shown; Spartan added for size reference

    Step 4: Add a floor and turret
  9. SmokyMiner

    SmokyMiner Forerunner
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