agreed, its simple, but not bad at all.. idk what that thing is on the left side.. oh wait its a copy of his head.. doesnt look great simply cause its not big enough to show much. i do love its simplicity. the text isnt amazing but it works
Very Nice. How much. Blur the clipping on the far right, and add some grad maps. nuthin to much, but a little grad maping would be noice.
All Time Low FTW!! \m/ Anyway, what font did you use? It really fits the stock, but I don't like how the word 'Low' is kinda off course if you know what I mean. The thing to the left is unnoticeable. It needs more effects also.
Moar liek All Time Blow, mirite? Anyways, the focal isn't the place I would have placed it, but it ctahces you attention very well. Text is pretty nice, so all-in-all I like it. Still don't like ATL though.
Its alright, but since the whole sig is pretty simplistic, you want to make sure the minimal content within it, is as powerful as it can be. In my opinion, the text is poorly made, and it looks like it was just slapped on there. Try some drop shadows, stroke, add some little designs or something. Looks too bland. Other than that, not too shabby
The guy is really small and seems not to be the focal for me, don't size the stock down as much and move him more towards the middle. Also the duplicate of his face isn't doing it for me.