The avatars are made for younger players and to bring in more females into the gaming world which is not a bad thing. Me as a guy think its stupid and childish to make "mini mi's" on a game system that I'm going to chainsaw and and give bullet lobotomies to ememies on. Im not trying to proove/defend my "manlyness" to anyone especialy to a guy that prides on calling himself after a Rainbow but horrible renaming it "Reynbow" for god who knows why. Oh and I will keep my 2D avatar because it looks better than a happy smiley clone knock off. Have a nice day. }; ]>
Reynbow, the name, looks cool tbh. And most of us know why he did that. Use your logic. You can use the whole dashboard if you don't like change, ****, its not that hard.
Well firstly, no idea why you brought my name into this. I change the way Rainbow is spelt to Reynbow because the correct spelling was already taken as a gamertag. Reynbow was the best looking alternative that worked. Secondly, why I use the name Reynbow is pretty much quite obviouse. If you can't figure it out then sucks to be you. And lastly, I'm not trying to defend any manlyness, that's for damn sure =D Yeah, what he said
I know why he choose the name I just hate it when people butcher words. Its like l337 speek almost, instead of saying cool he says "koule" its like me renaming my name " Iless Sid" . Really he couldn't just name it correctly and put a number behind it? I'm [Eyeless] but I'm not blind lol I can see hes [homosexual]. <politicaly correct : ]
So is the new dash gonna be alot faster/responsive than the current one? on my xbox, its really slow and annoying -__-
No its more kid friendly but it has some good new features like 8 person party /chat that you can bring game to game. The only thing that will go faster is game load times : /
I'm just shocked at how childish the new dashboard looks. I think if they removed the Miis from the dashboard it would be more well recieved. I like the general direction they're going, I just think they've completely forgotten about their current fan base with this update.
I want the dashboard but I want to keep my picture =/ **** more "younger players" and "women" on Xbox live, I want to play with my friends, not some Dashboard Change Noobs. Damn this is going to suck so much ****.
i just have to say i agree with everyone that doesn't like the mii thing and reynbow don't even try to flame me from reading this its pretty obvious that your an ass to anyone who doesn't agree with you and frankly I DONT CARE.
Actually the answer is yes. The new dashboard is fixing things like the dashboard lag that you get. For example, when you go to your games on your HDD you have to watch them all load and pop up. They should just all be there now. Moving between menus is supposed to be a lot smoother etc... Ooooo, Fiesty =P
I would still prefer that we can have the normal Dashboard like it is. I like that you can do it with the guide button, but I like the current setup. I think you should have the option to keep it the way it is. Then again I have not tried the new Dashboard because its not out so I am biased.
Don't think so. I do agree with the people saying they should be able to choose whether or not they want the dashboard upgrade. It would make thing a lot harder for Microsoft, I would imagine but it's only fair. However, on the other hand. The console is Microsoft's in a way, and having some have a different dashboard to others would be a little odd I think. I wonder how long it will take stock Xbox's to have the new dashboard.
Current xboxes wont have it (obviously), and I predict that xboxes made for about 3-6 months after the announcement will still not have the new software installed.
That's what I'm thinking, on that train of thought I wonder how large this dashboard crossover will be. Some people might not like having to set up their Xbox and waiting for an hour to update it before playing a game online. [Some people do actually have slow internet, not me though =P]