New Dashboard: "You don't have to use it" by Beau King July 21st 2008 The new Xbox 360 Dashboard We here at the ’Focus have openly embraced the "New Xbox Experience". I personally love the idea of a more modern Dashboard, but some of you non adopters loathe the change (some of you hate change period). For you dissenting folk, there is no need to keep those feathers riled as Major Nelson affirms in his latest podcast that the same Dashboard we use today will in effect be there after the update. All the features seen today will be moved to the new guide level. A simple push of the same button on your controller will provide the only step to get there too. Quotes and more after the jump. "I know that there are some people that aren't going to like the happy, happy, shiny New Xbox Experience. For whatever reason it's not flipping their bit. "Here's my message to you: you don't actually have to use it. You can never go there, just leave your game disc in and pretty much do everything that you could before but on the Guide level - one button press away in every single game. "The Dashboard as you know it today, in other words the 'blades'; Games, Live, Media and System," The Major explained, "We've taken those blades and moved them to the Guide. Every single function that you can do today in the Dashboard you are going to be able to do in the New Xbox Experience in the Guide." This should then make it easy for anyone to bypass the confusion. Nonetheless, if you decide to come out from beneath the shell, a bright and beautiful world may open up. source site Code: [indent][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="3"]Video download at in depth look at the new Dashboard: [b]Right-Click and "Save As"[/b] [URL=""]WMV 720p - 114.1MB[/URL] [URL=""]Or Click Here to watch in Standard Definition[/URL][/SIZE][/FONT][/indent]
not quite the text i was hoping for after seeing the title, but ill probably just use it anyways and hope theres a way to turn off that retarded Mii thing. The rest of it isnt so bad, i just think it looks stupid and childish with the cartoon character thing. thanks for keeping us updated.
You think that small animated avatars are too childish for you? Oh boy... Get over it. And I have heard that you can turn it off if you want to go back to a small picture instead. I always thought that going from 2D to 3D was advancing but hey...
Kind of misleadingish, but it doesn't really matter to me... I honestly don't mind the new dashboard. I actually look forward giving it a try. Oh and here's a photo of the new Guide:
I'm gonna be pissed if I can't use the guide like before. I hope the themes I have aren't just wasted because the little picture of the new guide looks like a shitty version of the one we have now. I already own a Wii, I do not want two.
Lol calm down =] re·tard [ ree-tahrd ] –verb (used with object) Slang: Disparaging.a. A mentally retarded person. b. A person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard.
Why would owning an Xbox with a different Dashboard be considered a second Wii. That makes no sense. They are very different consoles.
The only thing I don't like about this dashboard is the Avatar. To me, it says "Hey, Nintendo is doing well with it's Mii's, lets add them to our system because it's doing so well." Sure, its probably a good business move but It just rubs me the wrong way. Everything else is fine. I love the look of it.
yep they are very different. One is good and the other is **** and I think you know which one im talking about.
The Mii thing is ridiculous and unnecessary. It seems to me that Microsoft is trying to fix what isn't broken, I just want the option to keep it exactly the same. This somewhat kiddy looking thing just doesn't float my boat.
The 360? Yes, to the hardcore gamers (such as me) the Wii is a disappointment but that doesn't mean it's a crap console. It does really well in the casual market.
Okay umm, people want this kind of customization. This is like MySpace, once it became successful we saw a lot more social network sites appear. Why? Because people love that stuff. I think the current avatar choices we have is so damn restricted and pathetic, but these avatars are going to be so much more customizable and I love it. Sony made a playstation, does that mean Microsoft copied them and tried to make their own console to compete in that market. Yes, of course it does =D Same with what they are doing now. If they can take part of the Wii's style (Which is very nice) and give it a 360 touch then why not? It will attract more people to the 360 and get Microsoft more money. One other thing, it's an update. We are getting more features. Everyone loves updates, we crave updates. I ♥ updates
when myspace introduced the new homepage style, i didnt like it. However, i had no need to ***** about it. Do you know why? They knew there were people who enjoyed how it already was and GAVE THEM AN OPTION FOR CLASSIC LOOK. Customization to me doesnt force me to have some stupid childish 3D render that has generic clothes and styles. What i REALLY dont like about this, is that we aren't allowed to dislike it. Everytime someone speaks their mind and stands up and says "hey.. i dont really look forward to this", you turn around and **** on their opinion. **** that.
Yes, the Wii isn't as graphically powerful as the 360 or PS3 but for me, graphics are only a third of it. I don't have to have Gears or Halo quality graphics. As long as it looks like it wasn't thrown together in a few days. For me, there are 3 things I look for, Graphics, Gameplay, and Controls. Gamplay is the most important. And yes, the online blows chunks. I never use it anyway. Any, getting back to the new 360 dashboard, the avatar is too gimmicy at this point but the rest looks nice. As long as I can still use my gamer pic, I'll be happy.
at first i thought im not going to like the new dashboard but then i thought that sooner or later im going to get used to it. since im the kind of person who hates "change" but when i see the new dashboard i bet ill grow to like it in time. so i dont think im to worried. lol
i dont get this for teh longest time it was Nintend0 = small kids-kids Playstation = pre teens, 10-14 Xbox = 15+ but now their changing it all up lol well, playstation started first, but xbox is taking this a bit far with the mii