i was messing around in forge trying to get a box straight, when suddenly it sunk into the ground and stayed there. I tried it again with another box and it sunk in again. So this is a new way to geomerge on sandbox. works best with double boxes. YouTube - automatic geomerging
This has already been discovered under the name of the 'wiggle method.' It is very nice that you found this on your own though, and I congratulate you for it.
Your microphone is very weird. It took me a while to realize that was you speaking. I've never heard of the wiggle method. It only seems good if you want to make some ruins or something.
It's annpying when you discover something for yourself and then discover that someone found it before you. Well done anyway, although whatever mic you're using makes your voice sound really bad.
This has already been discovered, and is labeled the "Wiggle Method." But the YouTube video is very helpful megathumbs. Thank you. The only problem with the wiggle method is that the blocks won't come out straight. But of course, this method will come in hand when somebody is trying to make something look ancient and falling apart I guess.
nice find, even though it was already found i've never heard of this method of geo merging.thanks, i'll be using this for a new map.
Happens to me all the time by mistake. But not the most effective way to do it, but this method is good for some things you need to get done. Nice job finding this your self!
I found this on my own too, like 1 week ago. works best with big things. and you can merge into the floor.