LOL no but really, nice find. I'm surprised it took this long to be discovered though, has this been attempted with any other vehicles? A ghost perhaps Anywho, I can see a racetrack coming up...maybe. How easy is it for the mongoose to come off, is it that hard?
Nice job, me and my friend tried the same thing, but couldnt get it to work because we had some problems with no floors
Nice.... Wonder how anyone would find this. Really can see a map of this in a week or so. I just saw a clip of this on bungie favs so congrats.
HOLY CRAP OMG WIN. Beside the spammage, I would've not thought of this. I really need to try this, and the UNSC Seal is the lolest name evar. Red-neck boat ftw!
Your Description of a Jet-Ski is a Mongoose on a dinghy? /=/ How about calling it a land-aquatic hybrid?