On accident I posted this map in the wrong section of forum. So to make up for the re-post I added a few new photos to give you an ever better view of the map. With the inspiration of Bungie's original from Halo 3 I have created a new-ish map called New Valhalla. This map is mostly symmetrical with many vantage points for sniping and taking cover. To help give you a good idea what the map looks like I have some photos below. If you have any questions about the map let me know. Thank you for viewing!
Something about this I like a lot. It has a perfect balance of scenery; no overly open areas nor too many enclosed buildings. I also like the idea of the sniper nests. Overall very nice!
I completely agree with ZGA, and to add to that, I really like the tunnels that lead to the sniper nest; that's a great idea having them outside the map like that. I really like the look of the middle base as well. I'll come back after a playthrough and tell you what I think.
Looks decent, but the name 'New Valhalla' is incredibly bland, and doesn't really do justice to this map, as it doesn't really resemble Valhalla.
So, yeah, the map is good except for one thing. The sniper nests. Those would be incredibly easy to camp. Consider fixing the camping part. Maybe put an alternate entrance that's on the map?
When playing multi-team, the red and blue are equally restricted to about 1/3 of the map for respawning, but none of the other teams have such restrictions. For a map like this, you might want to consider doing what I did with Twin Fields. Give half the map to blue and green teams and let them share that half, and the other half to orange and red and let them share that half. At least that way it is fair all around. good map by the way...