*Points at self* Don't worry (were you worried? probably not so much XD), I aim to ensure that EVERYONE knows my (difficult to pronounce) name soon enough... :S As for one way doors, I personally was more of the opinion that solid blockages would be more appropriate... Course, what with the size of foundry... God knows
With clever usage of Double Walls and Wall corners, I can almost completely eliminate the use of single walls to near none. Except for the interior room and some covering for the entrances, of course. And I'll be using the two-way doors. They will work pretty well, but I wanna make sure that objective carriers won't be able to go through. I'm thinking high gravity and ceiling teleporters?
Honeycomb design Your honeycomb map design gave me a great idea for territories. Ive never played conquest so id have to play that first to make that gametype for it. The idea instantly came to my head and once my xbox is back from Microsoft Corp. and you have lost WWIII to sticky; I will forge in dedication to u
For the 1-way doors? So that the tele exit would always deliver you to the same room, regardless of where you come from? If so, then that should work. But the increased gravty means playing around with the map itself to still allow people maneuverability around any scenery objects. If that makes sense?
this is a great idea, If you looked at my sig you see it said planning, now its going to designing, thanks for insiration for my next map dude.
This sounds like a really good idea and it seems that everyone thinks so too. I think you should try it. It dose look cool
Meh, I'm too lazy to finish. I have two-three hexagonal cells completed with passageways, so if anyone wants it, they can have it.
lol nemi, don't just hand it out yet, me and blaze are thinking about making a new thread, this would be a perfect entry, so just hold off on giving it out yet ;-}
Well dude this looks like one heck of a map to build but if you really want to get it done then i could be of some service. i think this idea could hold some water so i'll go with it. lets try it out and build on it. my GT is Oddisey
I guess it's a good idea, but to make one that size, you'd need to have to use double boxes, fence walls, fence boxes, walls. It wouldn't look good is what I'm trying to say, with all those things together.
The design seems a bit hard to duplicate, but I can try to make this map. Problem is the passage ways.