Hey guys! I'm new to Forge Hub, and I've got a couple questions. So, I was over on B.net, and i was SO excited about this insane puzzle map i just created. I wanted to show it to the public, see what people think about it. And I thought, what better way than make a contest to see who can complete it the fastest? Right? WRONG! As soon as I posted a thread with the word "contest" in it, I was blacklisted. So, I was wondering, can we posts contests over here on ForgeHub? B/c I want you guys to try and complete this intense puzzle.
Well to post your map follow these guidlines.Just copy and paste most of it. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-maps/3000-map-posting-template.html You need pictures, a description, and the name of the map as the title of thread ONLY. Do not have contest or whatever in the title. It's the rules. You can then explain the rules/contest in the description. Make sure you are posting it in the right section too. Btw. Welcome to forgehub.