New Terra, a place of splendid wonder, well at least it was until you all battled it out in your Red Vs Blue battles. Nah I’m just joking. I’m sure your tired of reading these things by now but hear me out one last time. Wait last time? Well yeah you didn’t expect anymore maps right? I mean 6 Silver maps is a lot! Development New Terra was designed for Dominion. Now while that may be the case that’s not its specialty. This map plays everything but it plays Capture the Flag, Extraction and Infinity Slayer exceptionally well. And it’s been a long road to get it to this point. The first rendition had an overly powerful Bravo. Well that’s been addressed and so have countless other issues since then. The next had a too low ceiling. Then it had… wait I can’t think of anymore. An object was slightly out of place I don’t know! What’s important here is that the map is capable of supporting all the game types and play them well. The Game Types All of them Spoiler Thanks for reading, S.N.