New Staff, September 2017

Discussion in 'Articles' started by Ascend Hyperion, Sep 21, 2017.

By Ascend Hyperion on Sep 21, 2017 at 5:47 PM
  1. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    Hey there everyone! As many of you know, we recently hosted another ForgeHub staff drive last month! Exciting right!? Many people applied for a variety of positions and we would like to thank everyone who applied for their expressed interest! We are excited to welcome SEVEN new members to the ForgeHub team today. Let's show them off now!

    CaptainDireWolf - Moderator

    Now my watch begins. I am the monitor on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of Forgehub. I pledge my life and honor to the Nights Watch of Moderation..." In all seriousness though, people just call me Capt'n or Wolf, whichever floats your boat. I've been around since the dawn of halo combat evolved, when my dad and I first started mowing down covenant on legendary co-op. About me: Favorite halo is Reach (I was a dirty armor locker and I have no regrets). I just received my doctorate so now you can call me Doctordirewolf (j/k). Favorite movies are Captain America Winter Soldier, Saving Private Ryan, and any Star Wars. I also write science fiction and fantasy novels when I'm not gaming and trying to break forge. I'm excited to finally be part the team here and contribute to making the hub a better place in any way that I can. Hit me up on here or Xbox Live if you ever have a question. Cheers!

    Portaleer - Moderator

    I'm Portaleer. Halo came to me in a time of sheer boredom, and absolutely fell in love with it as a new science fiction story that would, in time, become an integral part of my life. After playing CE, I moved to 2, to 3, etc. etc. Having been artistic since early childhood, I then found a new way to channel my abilities through each iteration of Forge, actively becoming a part of its community over time and making Halo an even bigger deal to me. I love Halo for its story, its characters, and breathtaking worlds; so my biggest recreational hobby is building functional worlds and levels for myself, for others, and for Halo. So much time has been spent doing what I do, that mere hobby isn't enough anymore. I want to one day take my passion to new heights, monetizing my ability, and world build for the Halo franchise the way it world built for me.

    Shooty Person - Writing Team

    Hey, Hub. You may have seen my debut work here in last week's update, but if not, let me give you the lowdown. I'm Shooty Person, I've been forging since Halo 3. Recently I had all of my successful Halo 5 maps permanently deleted from my console in an attempt at petty revenge, so needless to say I'm retired for now. What I will be doing is sharing my feedback and love for the community through map features, weekly updates and other articles, as I'm a new writing hire. Feel free to add me on Xbox or hit me up anytime, I'll try to get back to you quickly. Fantastic forging and happy hubbing!

    Flugel Meister -
    Writing Team

    Raised by oxen on the remote moors of Yorkshire, Flugel Meister is a long time gamer and cheesecake enthusiast whose appetite for well-crafted titles is only rivaled by his need for a biscuit-based treat. I've been a fan of Halo since the beginning, when the Earth was a molten... No, no. Not THAT beginning. I had followed the development of Combat Evolved for over a year before release, and bagged my first Xbox almost straight away. Since then Halo has been an essential inclusion to my collection, but my favourite of the series is Halo 2. When not getting shot in the face on Halo, I often enjoy getting shot in the face on Rainbow Six Siege, World of Tanks, or crashing into static objects in the Forza Horizon series. When I'm not playing I'm usually writing. I enjoy creative writing, both short stories, novels and screenplays. My favourite novel of all time is the War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. Feel free to message me on Xbox Live, providing it's not for the loan of my Bungie Mythic status. It's mine. ALL MINE!

    Max Extra -
    Stream Team

    I'm Max Extra and I am (on) the Stream Team. I've been playing Halo since combat evolved, and have been a fan ever since. When forge came out with Halo 3 my social life came to an end and my Forge life began. You might should wonder if I would be better since I have forged for so long, but that's where you're wrong kiddo. In halo 3 days I joined one of those silly groups on and instantly became inactive. I joined another lead by Debo37, and with this one got me to stick around because it was focused on forging. Even in those early days I was in to map testing and was part of the map testers guild(I had forgotten until on found a 2009 message in my inbox on yesterday) that fervor for forge eventually led to me finding forgehub in 2016. From here I was disappointed with the community's lack of testing lobbies to help new forgers. I created forged friday, that lead to the ATN(go check it out) and that lead to here. Just the next foothold on my rise to the top. Shameless plug, I stream custom games every Friday, we play maps submitted by the community and some times I'll play other games on stream on other days or forge. Come check it out.

    SexyMasterChief - Art Team

    I’m SexyMasterChief, I’m a designer during the day, Halo forger by night. I am mostly known for my mini-games, like the master piece that is “wobble knock” with Comedy Aerosol. I started playing Halo on the OG Xbox at my friends house, mostly split-screen. My first full experience was Halo 3 for the Xbox 360, and gaming has never been the same since. With the release of Forge in Halo 5, I jumped head first into building maps that I would enjoy with friends, and I hope to do the same with Forgehub and feature opportunities.

    PimpsDontCry - Community Coordinator

    I’m Payg, or better known as PimpsDontCry on Twitter and Xbox! You may have seen me around the HCS community for the last year, where I manage and coach a team, along with being involved with multiple Orgs in the LAN community! I’ve been a Halo lover since H2 and have never let it go! I am beyond excited to be working with the amazing community at ForgeHub now and see the collaborations we can build!

    Ascend Hyperion - Community Coordinator

    Ascend, you moron you're already on the staff. That's right! I had initially started as a writer for the site almost a year ago but I'm proud to announce that I will be taking on a new role on the site. I'm proud to be your new Community Coordinator! My goal is to help create a positive, inclusive community. I'll be creating and facilitating events and stuff to keep all you awesome people interacting and having fun. One of my main goals to bring the Hub, back to ForgeHub by building an environment that allows forgers from all walks to come together and forge, talk and play together. Let's work together to accomplish that goal!

    Well, there you have it folks. Be sure to say hi to all our newest staff members and be on the lookout for them in the future! Thanks for reading!
    #1 Ascend Hyperion, Sep 21, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2017
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Discussion in 'Articles' started by Ascend Hyperion, Sep 21, 2017.

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