I have recently *modified some spartan armour too include ghillie suits for increased stealth. I am looking to create even more pictures like these two examples and request your help. You can help me by sending me screenshots of you in halo with a battle rifle, sniper rifle, beam rifle, or carbine. No pictures of elites please.
No offense, but those look horrible. It look like you went into paint and put squiggles on them. There's also random strings of red.
I think they look quite good. It would only work if you could go prone. And also a bit pointless if you have active camo.
Thanks guys for the feedback guys, those pictures were just some very basic ghillies suits to start off with but i like the idea of adding leves and other things to the suits. It would help if some of you could give me some screnshots of spartans infront or behind of bushes because then i could try and match the suit to the enviroment. i release it is kinda of pointless when you have active camo but im always saying to my friends that i would rather have ghillie suit over active camo in some places.