Its been ages, I've (hopefully!) learned a few things and can post something better than the crap I've done previously... Anyway, its just my new siggy. I wanna know what some people who actually understand GnA think about my stuff, and what I can do to improve it, etc. CnC n stuff
I only see one. But this one is really nice. It's got your nice color scheme, and the style is really unique as well. Though it's lacking a very clear focus, but that's about all that I could really complain about.
Fail, I was gonna post 2 but then changed my mind. I swear I changed the title too... EDIT: Have you ever played LoD?
Nope, which is good in some sense. I have nothing to relate this artwork to directly, meaning that my opinion is mostly unbiased!
Aww, you need to go buy Legend of Dragoon. And a PS1 with marker-stains, a 10' TV, and infinite Doctor Pepper. That way you can enjoy it to its fullest! Either way, best game everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Ooh, cool. Yea, like what Rorak said, the focal isn't exactly the spotlight of the sig, but it's still pretty cool. What's the stock??
I haven't played legends of dragoon for ages, but I still recognized that guy immediately, I borrowed it from a friend about 7 years ago, then moved away shortly after I returned it, so I haven't had a chance to play it since. I've been thinking of buying it via amazon... I don't really like the text, I have never really supported placing the text in the corner of a signature, and the black colour of it mixes badly in the corner. Also, it seems rather big and doesn't achieve anything my its size. The focal is somewhat weak, the light on his wing distracts somewhat, and the text's location enforces the movement away from the character to the wing. Furthermore, the lines of the wing converge on a point, making the eye be drawn there even more. I like the background, though there isn't much of it, and the character does blend in. +1 for LoD stock.