Hey, artists and everyone, this is a little idea I came up with last night, and I think it might work. My reasoning behind it, While searching for a sig by browsing different sig shops I found a Trainees new thread who was just being spammed by members who I will not mention. To cut him some slack and give him a chance to actually show what he can do I posted a request and he gave me a great sig, which I am using now. My point being that even someone who people don't think will make good things, an undiscovered talent, to actually have a chance. Also, for more elite members of the G&A section, you will run out of stocks or ideas sometimes or requests if you have a sig shop once in a while. Also, if a member posts a request in a sig shop that someone really: a) Does not want to make or b) Cannot make The person who is requested of making this sig will probably not get an answer like "Well Thankyou bye, I love your sigs" I am not at all saying get rid of Sig Shops at all what so ever, this is just something to add on to it and maybe give people who really only can do 1 good sig a week, not enough to keep up with multiple requests, a chance to slow down and pick a request they like. Well onto the Suggestion, the point is, if you are looking for a sig you have this in your signature and below it with a spoiler with what they would like Example: Spoiler Request goes here including stock/render and what you want in it If you see someone with this sig anywhere, check out what they are requesting and see what/if you want to do something with it. This means for the requester that you: a) Will not have to search for someone to do your sig for you (But, like I said this wouldn't be a replacement for the Shops because if you do still want a specific person to make a sig for you, of course go to theirs') b) You might get sigs form multiple people with multiple styles and can pick your favorite. If you do not think this is a good idea, DO NOT flame just vote in the poll, and if you are on the fence about it say what could be better, and of course if you think it is a good idea, well say so. Edit: If any Mods wish to move this to a Suggestion Thread, feel free.
I think this is good at heart but sig makers might try their hardest to make a sig for a guy and he might not even use it, that's the only problem I see here.
Although it could be a good idea, and there are so many signature shops that it could be confusing to people who are just looking around. Although, I only visit this forum and off topic, which would be another problem, we wouldn't even see it half the time. I would say that its a bad idea, because they would be more likely to get lower quality sigs, or from a tranee who doesn't know anything...Also, how would you get the word out for this system to work?
Well you also could get a great sig from a trainee, also yea it would be slow to start but, if it was successful then word would get out about it.
Its just a general thing that if they're a trainee they can't make sigs, usually. Not saying some can't make good ones, the guy you were speaking of didn't post his shop "right" with examples and all, that was why he was flammed.
Not good. Because there could be a ton of people creating a signature for one person. Example; I have that symbol in my signature. LOCK sees it, Ice sees it, Diz sees it, Pigglez sees it, and they all try to make a signature for me. So now I've got four signatures on my hands, but I'm only going to use one, because I like that one best. So everyone else has their hard work thrown away.