This is my first off signature siggy so it's not the greatest but I like it so I thought I'd post it and see how everyone else likes it. So without further adu here it is. Wow... that surprised me. It appears that it is not going off the signature. Thats the first thing I need advice on... I deleted the background and it's just the grey and white checkers so... What am I doing wrong!?!?!? Okay I think I fixed it! Here is the newest version...
meh, looks kinda,, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, cheesey the whole every color thing annoys me, and its wat to bland, also, the render looks out of place, or awkward
Don't let the filters/brushing touch the edges because it ruins the feel of the pop-up. Also, put a 1pxblack stroke around the green box.
Aizen-Sama eh? Hes evil lololololol. Try blending your render in more. I agree with Vinny, add a border as well. Also add text that says "Aizen" and then under that make it say "BLEACH" post another version with that.
Delete the yellow brush behind his head and anything else behind him also. Make him stick out so it looks like he's not on the sig.
your sigs are always anime. try to expand to other stuff. i used to always do halo, but then i expanded to other stuffs
I've noticed in every single one of your sigs that you put completly random pen lines and they don't work. Either put them behind the sig and make them coming out of him or circle them around him. What size is it? It looks above the 200 px limit and the yellows in the sg don't seem too work very well, and the render is just sitting there, it doesn't look blended at all. EDIT to Murdock- Whats wrong with anime?
Yeah Murdock and Haseo... Okay Murdock I used to do all halo too and gears of war and half-life. Then I got tired of that and decided to make brighter sigs. And anime just fit in with my ideas. Haseo... I just found out how to use the pen tool like 3 or 4 days ago so a little before you started to frequent this section. And yes I do over use the pen tool but if you look at my thread "pretty good pop up" (Which Vinny says is my best so far) you will see that I didn't use the pen tool at all. I am capable of not using it I am just experimenting on all my different sigs to see what works.
The colors do not match the render at all. You need to at least lower the contrast on the BG for it to match whatsoever. Also, it having the white BG on the top makes it not a pop-out.