and a black and white version- it's not that great but I'm only making like one sig a month these days so I'm getting a little rusty. Oh, and I don't know why I called it luminisce (I honestly don't know if it's even a word) but it sounded cool and it's 11:30 so I don't feel like coming up with something less artsy.
i dont think thats a word... also, it might just be my bad screen again, but to me it looks like theres a light source from the lower right going on his arm, which is backwards from the current light source :squirrel_wtf:
I tried a brighter red but it looked really bad, I'll try another color might be the little lights the spartans have on their arms idk. Here is the screenshot I used I don't see any other light source: [img width=800 height=600][/img]