I just got photoshop today and made my first sig ( see below). Tell me what you think and once i get better i'm planning on making others sigs.
pretty cool, like the grim reaper... looks sick yet funny lol... also the font is good overall it aint amazing (like my totally pimpin sig lol) but i think its a great first try w/ photoshop... i wanna go get photoshop :[
Lol umm I saw you sig in some other topic and I liked the idea. I am really bored and was really bored so I attempted my twist on your sig. Don't take this as a "your sig sucks mines better" Obviously you can't know absolutely everything on your first try xD Anyway, here's my version =]
dude thats freaking sweet can you teach me how to do some of that stuff cuz what you said made no sense to me. Oh and i made another little weird one cuz i like the bunny
Haha nice sig dude The way I got better with photoshop was to follow tutorials. A good site that I use is PSDTuts.com, some of the tutotrials require you to know Photoshop Basics =]
They taught some of the basics in comp class but i just realized i have photoshop elements w/e that means... edit: btw what text is that?
I used to use Photoshop Elements but I find CS3 a little better. But I think Elements is much better for learning with. I learnt with it and it helped a fair bit. I use this site [dafont.com] and specifically this one [Frakturika]
lol this is my friend.. he comes onto this site with no photoshop experience and makes this and gets all the attention!! lol i should get the credit for showing you this site jackson!!! i like the bunny btw
Um andy ive used it in computers and had to make an entire website and i did give you credit for it when it asked who showed me the site... Ps: That font site is awesome!
Haha the site is great yeah. Your new sig with the white and the Bunny, really cool. I think you just need to give it a border and maybe something with the font needs to bring it out more, a red or white stroke on it maybe.
hey reaper make me one!!! plz.. lol. but seriously, if you could, make one using my pig... that's be awesome lol...
lol k ill try edit: any pig or that one in specific cuz its kinda small lol but i found lots of funny ones.
this is the sig i made for you. like i said i suck. and i should have taken that computer class. you should make something with hell's caretaker.. like mine, only better