I have been warned for a while as some of you might know and i am now not warned =] So i decided to make a new sig Matching avatar =] Tell me what you think
Take away the double border. It makes it seem embossed. Fix the text. She's a little hard, feather her in a little bit or blend her into the background. Background kind of looks like a cheap C4D.
I dun like that render.....text has shitty quality....besides that, its just some fractals over a gradient...and yes REMOVE DAT DUBBLE BORDAH
ugh i hate when people make matching avatars just by cropping there signature j ughghghgh and the picture looks very flat for some reason ^^ double border thing -- her face just stands out way too much i cant type the FX you got in the background like the C4D is horrible .... wait her head looks like its like an epic long neck thats why it looks horrible
Text has bad quality & render isnt what i would say "GREAT" but yeah if the text was better It would be awesome! & if u use GIMP u are really good & stuff.....
Thanks for comments .. I use GIMP .. And i'll take away the double border now =] Any ideas what i could do for text?
probally if u sharpened the image dont sharpen the text but only if u did sharpen the image. (DAMN u make GIMP like PS u HAVE GOT TO TEACH ME SOME TRICKS!!! if u want to talk over MSN PM me ur email)
Another suggestion i just thought of would be to make a softer BG. The render is really soft so make the BG soft too....that way it looks good. The text looks almost grainy....get some smoother, better quality text.
I need ideas for text .. Any fonts i could use? Or any good techniques i could use to make text look better =]
She is Hard? i dont see how thats possible.....any hoo i think u should have shosen a more hot render in my opinion.
Saying something is "hard" generally means she stands out from the background with too much contrast/softness/etc. And that's the problem with you people, because you put in a pretty face, you immediately think it's better.