No idea which one to use, once again it's between the sharpened and non sharpened one. =D (note, if they are together it messes with your eyes, I'll separate them.) [V1] [V2]
I prefer V1, V2 is nice but IMO, too much white. It detracts from the overall niceness of the rest of it.
That looks great. Not too much emphasis on the glitter and the text, the eye is drawn to the render. very nice
I like it, but I don't think it works with the render. Spawn CREATURE OF HELL!!! IN HIS MIGhty (mumble)glitter and sparkles...
I had no idea WTF this render actually was. I'll have to see. Just think it's an explosion from some destruction he's made, mmmk?
OIC. Well. My 'Spawn' comes from Imagination Land. (South Park referral right thar.) It makes my sig look bad.
V1 is better although you might want to erase some of the sparks over spawn's face with a low opacity eraser