Hi. I've made a new sig. What do you guys think?? Its a render with a new background and some heavy ajustments to lighting, contrast, dirt and sharpness etc.
i think its a pretty cool sig...4.5/5 i think it should have a brighter area with your name in the blast....
pretty good itis kinda dark well of course but are they on water?!?!?! 4/5 BTW did you make it from scratch yourself
Did you do anything besides adding text to a render? Im sorry, but maybe it is just so good It looks that way
Agreed. I give the sig a 4.5/5 because it is awesome! The name should be in bright letters where the blast from the tank is though
Ye me to maybe because the background suites the render very nicely and the overall flow is great, its a pretty detailed Sig and the lighting compliments the render. Good job did you use any tutorial for this? The text is ok and i like the placemen, but i agree maybe a lighter part or if it fades into a colour the text could sit nicely there. Good job
Wow, thanks guys. The render is from Battlefield modern combat. I took a suggestion from my last sig saying it stuck out from the background too much. So I ajusted this one so it fits nicely.