New Screenshots

Discussion in 'Reach Screenshots & Videos' started by StolenMadWolf, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    After two months off the Forge Hub forum I thought on trying more screenshots, which had me feeling my way round a man-made cave with a plasma pistol and attempting a re-make on the Last Light screenshot a couple of months back, obiviously I failed, but, I was lucky and came up with a screenshot in which I used a SFX theme which made Forge World really dark (Like the oppisite of the World Screenshot), the same effects I used on a map I made a year ago in which you had to stand near the lights to see stuff, but I had to change it since the guys who played it moaned about being unable to see the zombies coming. This new screenshot I just made is called Legacy, I've also added another old screenshot which is not the different from the Spacewalk screenshot.



    This last one does not have a title, but I would proberly call it Adrift.


    Comments please.
    Let me know if they good or how to make better screenshots.
    #1 StolenMadWolf, Aug 20, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2012

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