Yesterday me and a friend were messing around with some screenshot effects (the same one used in my screenshot Impulse) and made Inferno. I think it looks completely different from Impulse but tell me what you guys think. And finally here it is Inferno: And don't forget the download link: HERE
What did you use for the effect? Also this would make a great effect for a screenshot if you were running away from the fire, with falcons and hogs driving away, or some covvys vehicles exploding in the background. Just some food for thought.
I would have like to do it if the screenshot wasn't on firefight which is one problem. And the effect was pretty simple on Overlook through a plasma grenade at a patch of grass then look into the dirt particles in theater.
Dude don't get me wrong, this is real nice but there is some flaws that I'd like to address. The vibe I'm getting here is a nicely done silhouette, but the obvious blue flame, the blue flame to the far left, and the (you can't miss it) white upper left corner. those are the flaws. This has potential, and a lot of it. I'm just giving you my (semi-pro) status of an opinion. But you may like it how it is, that's fine. There needs to be a V2, Anyways well-done.!
This is one of the better pics i've seen from reach. The effect is just amazing and its not to advanced which is how a pic should be. I can never make good pics on reach but after lookinf at this it makes me want to try some new effects. Nice pic.