Even though Gnome disagrees with me on irc (Grrr) it looks like these new people are looking at the after math of the bloodgulch series. All the dead red and blues, plus the exploded pelican. Cool eh?
That looks awesome. The voice-over was amazing quality. And I loved the RvB series. Is this a spin-off or what?
Must check. So long as it's by the original guys. If it's not, I don't expect too much improvement. Edit: Holy crap, that's amazingly well done. I remember a bit of Recovery One, and that Meta monster guy is from there, right?
I can't say I'm not happy that they are keeping it going, but if they are going to keep calling it RvB I totally disapprove of them going all dramatic.
It looks like Rooster Teeth asked to youtube to delete all the videos of this, because now they're all unavailable.
I wonder if they are going for a more serious take at red vs blue or what. We are just going to have to wait and see. Also the video is on to so it is done by them.
I like the more serious stuff... and isn't Blood Gulch Cronichles over? Unless we get Coag in Halo 3, it would stink, and getting Coag or Blood Gulch would also stink... But this seriously looks amazing. Are there videos that are from a previous serious that come before this? If so, can you tell me where the are? There seems to be a missing back-story, or is that the point?
If you pay attention to what the voice over is saying it is along the lines of the Recovery project. Had to tell from the vid if it has anything to do with the Bloodgulch chronicles or not, but The Meta could be the AI O'maley merged with one of the surviving Wyoming copies. Or it could be Recovery two with the other AI unit that was in the guy that helped Tex in the Out of Mind mini series. As for it being serious, I think a serious one would be better BUT being the same group of guys doing it, it will still have pleanty of comedy to go along with it. Have a look at a Machinima by Digital ph34r called Deus Ex Machina for what I think it will be like.
\o I want comedy stuff, like the old RvB. The drama ones they made were alright, but they weren't nearly as cool as Blood Guclh Chronicles. And when is it flippin gonna start? I've been going daily to their page evereyday since that trailer came out to see the first episode, but it's nevr there...=[ Can't they just release it already?!??!?! :S
There are ALOT of comedy machinimas compared to serious . just look through if u dont believe me. drama series like these take alot more skill and the people that go after them like rooster teeth will make sure its nothing short of spectacular
I cant find the exact quote but I recall the people over at RvB were complaining about it not being a comedy and then Burnie said something like "Don't let looks deceive you." So I would not worry.
If you've looked at their site lately you'll see that it is 'under construction' Could finally be the public release of the new site format or it could be build up for this series. Here's hoping for both.
It is going to be a comedy as Burnie Burns had stated to somebody. And I do believe that the original characters will be in it because the pelican had crashed somewhere else. Not in Blood Gulch. Next Monday will be fun!