so ive ben plaing reach alot latly and have realzd tat its plalsits coud yuse a few twerks basicaly we shuld take out any plalists that noone uses and only put in only the fun 1s, so heres my ida competive infection big tem alot mor mlg mabye lik 3 or 4 new plalists dedcated 2 mlg, prefrebly elite mlg sparten mlg, an lik shotgun mlg cause the shotgun is the best gun in te gam, and lats but certnly not lest is team snipes, tats probaly my fav jus cus it uses the best gun in the gem which is the sniper also their shoud be a shugun playlts. Coop Gruntpoclips becus tahts tha only 1 peopl ply mabe regler fire fight becuae peopl will fleam if i dunt put it in no cop campan becus noon plays halo 4 campane Arena STUPUD ITS STUBPID NOONE LIKS IT TAKE IT OUT BUNGE IMEN CUMON!!!1 so guis why dio u thnk shuold i subit 2 bungie i think thy can gain form it ps theire sur are alot of red lins unde my words mabe my monter is brok
lolz its like reading a different language. and you said shotgun was the best gun in the game and then said the sniper rifle was... anyway all the stuff you said except for shotgun gametype is basically already there
I actually like Arena, its the only place to play team doubles outside customs, I don't think they need to remove any of the playlists but they do need to add some like mlg games and possibly griffball . And no offence, since you have been here for a lot longer than me, but your spelling makes the entire post sorta difficult to take seriously