Ok I'm getting a new cell phone. I'm not sure what I want. I've narrowed it down and think I know what I want but I want to see what you guys think about the different phones. Imagio Touch Pro2 These are the two phones I like alot. I like the touch screen of the Imagio and I really want it for the 5.0 megapixel camera that it comes with also. I got to look at it in stores and the camera and video camera were both amazing. I have yet to see the Touch Pro2 except on the internet. I like to text alot and the Touch Pro2 seems like it would be perfect for that (though only has a 3.2 megapixel camera). I also worried of how fragile the Touch Pro 2 might be. Here is a link to the web site for the company that makes them. These should only be Verizon phones. Tell me what you think of the two I have picked out or any others on the page. Also, if you have either of these phones I would appreciate a couple of sentences of what you think of the phone. Thanks, Aaronator
Dun buy those carpy phones. Buy the LG Xenon. I has it. It multitasks beautifully. Has MEdia Net, IM, MEdia eMail, Games, a touch screen and more. It's just so awesome!
I'd prefer something legal. And my parents are the type that have to know everything and don't want to get me an iPhone because of all sorts of stupid reasons (internet cost, illegal, etc. etc.)
HTC's are the absolute **** if you can take care of it. You don't know jack ****. Get out. Isn't there a problem with that? Like I forgot but didn't it have issues with certain functions when it was unlocked? Tell your parents to back off. Or just put a password on your phone that automatically locks every two minutes(thats what I do) so your parents cant see what you do on your phone. But definitely HTC Touch Pro 2. QWERTY is where its at.
HTC is looking pretty good right now. I'm getting this one...its an HTC Hero. I dunno, looks pretty sweet. Plus, it already has that 5 MegaPixel camera, and is basically from the same company.
Yeah, Touch Pro 2. The camera is better than alot of stuff, including my piece of crap LG Rumor, and the QWERTY text pad is so useful.