I will keep this page Updated. If i forgot anything or need to add anything then go ahead and tell me. Notes*** 1 Makers name is above the map. 2 At the request of Silence I have given everyone, well mostly everyone, their own section. 3 I will give each map pack feature their own in time, time i do not have right now. 4 Maps with a * are made on a map other than foundry TrueDarkFusion *Vertigo *Compound 42B Urban Apartment *No Mans Land and The Yavimayan *Cell Block 71 and The Yavimayan *Hobo Heights and The Yavimayan *Open Field and The Yavimayan *Turner Pasture and The Yavimayan *Holding Cell *Albatross TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, Cottage, & AZN FTW *Cat n’ Mouse and The Yavimayan *Tremor Valley TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, Nitrous, and Trickmyster Depot and The Yavimayan Sumo! and The Yavimayan *Convoy Tunnel TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, & rusty eagle *Hobo Heights v2 and The Yavimayan Crash Pi and Coolant Bottleneck and Betawaffle Lost Woods and The Yavimayan Lost Chamber and SargeantSarcasm TNT Polo and SargeantSarcasm 7th Avenue TrueDarkFusion, Shock Theta, & TheYavimayan The Yavimayan Cerastes Sumo! 7th Avenue TrueDarkFusion, Shock Theta, & TheYavimayan *The Cellars AZN FTW, TheYavimayan, Titmar, rusty eagle and Asper49 Lost Woods and TrueDarkFusion *Hobo Heights v2 and TrueDarkFusion *Convoy Tunnel TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, & rusty eagle Depot and TrueDarkFusion *Tremor Valley TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, Nitrous, and Trickmyster *Cat n’ Mouse and TrueDarkFusion *Albatross TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, Cottage, & AZN FTW T*urner Pasture and TrueDarkFusion *Open Field and TrueDarkFusion *Hobo Heights and TrueDarkFusion *Cell Block 71 and TrueDarkFusion *No Mans Land and TrueDarkFusion Nitrous *Tremor Valley TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, Nitrous, and Trickmyster Betawaffle Bottleneck and TrueDarkFusion SargentSarcasm TNT Polo and TrueDarkFusion Lost Chamber and TrueDarkFusion Sqorck *Transportation Trickmyster *Storm The Beach *Stick Ball ShipWrecked! Hooverville and Coolant *Tremor Valley TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, Nitrous, and Trickmyster AZN FTW *Azkaban Platform AZN Cottage Map Pack 1 and Cottage Training Ground *The Cellars AZN FTW, TheYavimayan, Titmar, rusty eagle and Asper49 The Estate Asper49, AZN FTW, Reap3r 13, ACTIONJACKSON54, and rusty eagle Side Longest and Asper49 *Albatross TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, Cottage, & AZN FTW Titmar *The Cellars AZN FTW, TheYavimayan, Titmar, rusty eagle and Asper49 Reap3r 13 The Estate Asper49, AZN FTW, Reap3r 13, ACTIONJACKSON54, and rusty eagle ACTIONJACKSON54 The Estate Asper49, AZN FTW, Reap3r 13, ACTIONJACKSON54, and rusty eagle xAoTx diffuse *Tunnel Raid 2.0 Gravedigger5454 Fire Lane Pillar of Death Shockwave I Cottage I *The Swings *Area 52 The Crossing An Open Fire AZN Cottage Map Pack 1 and AZN FTW *Albatross TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, Cottage, & AZN FTW Shock Theta *Control Room Platform *Ball Pit The Citadel H3 Foundation The Chute Slanted Spire Aqueduct Sewers and rusty eagle Duel of the Fates and Insane54 Urban and Orangeremi *Cave Freaks (Fave Creeks) and Insane54 7th Avenue TrueDarkFusion, Shock Theta, & TheYavimayan BurnieBurns Grifball Glimflicker Bungie 500 oriol003 & Sergeant CJ Boarding Action Coolant Pirate Ship Scarab Assault Pelican TX2A Heavy Assault Mech Vents Hooverville and Trickmyster Pi amd TrueDarkFusion Methic Ghost Town dmiller360, AlkalineProdigy, & MDK x2002x Pacman Mallet Gradient The Battle of Somme Empire FrogSmoker Cabin Fever Rusty Eagle Barrel Blaster Porcelain Pony rusty eagle, Running Chron, and Asper49 Terminal and Matty Grindstone and Shad0w Viper Sewers and Shock Theta The Estate Asper49, AZN FTW, Reap3r 13, ACTIONJACKSON54, and rusty eagle *The Cellars AZN FTW, TheYavimayan, Titmar, rusty eagle and Asper49 *Convoy Tunnel TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, & rusty eagle Maggs89 Fallen Falcon iTs NeXn Chill Out! V3 Lockdown and KRONIC SMOKE Xyience iTs_NeXn, Iv0rY Snak3 and DeKnoZx DeKnoZx Xyience iTs_NeXn, Iv0rY Snak3 and DeKnoZx KRONIC SMOKE Lockdown and KRONIC SMOKE Lintendo 64 Intersection HeavyMetal84 Metalock Asper49 *The Last Level Reactor Core Porcelain Pony rusty eagle, Running Chron, and Asper49 Side Longest and Asper49 The Estate Asper49, AZN FTW, Reap3r 13, ACTIONJACKSON54, and rusty eagle *The Cellars AZN FTW, TheYavimayan, Titmar, rusty eagle and Asper49 James Fantastic Antlion Defense KingBartlett & Sikamikanico Bart’s Manor FrenchFryDreads *Gundam *Shenlong Dragon Stolenpoo & Ki Jason Overflow sendernode Different Level MM edition Furious D 18 Unchained Faction and Wakko54 *Solaris *Yukon Canyon Wakko54 Faction and Furious D 18 TwoSaltedNuts Tunnel Rats 1,2,3 W33k3dWarrior TIE Hanger v2 Cosmic Rick Kentucky Tango Elation Pallet Parade Electric Slide *Lilly Pads Matty Aeron Reflex Aperture Terminal and Matty Draw The Line End of the Line Gridlocked Slate Creek NeverlessWonder Cyclopean Trokia and tender bisquit Amalgam Tender Bisquit Trokia and NeverlessWonder Predicide *Amphibious Threat Lightsout225 Machu Picchu *Heatwave *Coldfront Iv0rY Snak3 Fractured Kashmir Highlands Eclipse Iv0rY Snak3, Shad0w Viper and Orangeremi Credence Xyience iTs_NeXn, Iv0rY Snak3 and DeKnoZx Grif *Snow Mice *Map Packs(will divi out later) Aesthetic Map Pack 1 Minigame Map Pack 1 Aesthetic Map Pack 2 Minigame Map Pack 2 Aesthetic Map Pack 3 Minigame Map Pack 3 Stouf761 Shift Batty Man Flying Saucers TDHarding Renegade Paragon Bl00D F1R3 Evicerate Ramparts Purple Bunker Buddhacrane Distortion SuperFeiGn Hype Insane54 *Hangar 02 *Cave Freaks (Fave Creeks) and Shock Theta Duel of the Fates and Shock Theta The Yellow Jedwali Ribcage v3 Pegasi Delta Temple Nights Debo37 Interrobang Ire pf Fire and Felipe Dos Felipe Dos Ire pf Fire and Debo37 Tex Project S and Shad0w Viper Project Z and Shad0w Viper Shad0w Viper Eclipse Iv0rY Snak3, Shad0w Viper and Orangeremi Project Z and tex Project S and tex Grindstone and Shad0w Viper Orangeremi Eclipse Iv0rY Snak3, Shad0w Viper and Orangeremi Urban and Shock Theta Chipsinabox Sapphire Domiboy Breakneck BlazeisGod Martydom Bayonetwork and thesilencebroken Creep1ng De4th Dr. Spy Constrictor N1NJ4 Odeum Kon Artist MLG Impact Conflict TheSilenceBroken Vertabraille Bayonetwork and BlazeisGod CRO553D MLG Phylum American10 and Sir Toppum Hat1 Temple of Atlas Running Chron Code Red v2 Porcelain Pony rusty eagle, Running Chron, and Asper49 Undisputed Hawk, J A Y, Slayer III and SG Victory *Transformer Project 2 Paulie Walnuttz Metro v2 the Whyer Industries Camoflaug Sewage Lines Jbarron402 Whiplash Deathtoll and idiotninja Pennyless Zombievillian Aerialis x Dream 76 x The Singularity Mastar Tremors n’ Mouse Reloaded PonyD Submission TexturedSun Sub-Station B Eyeless Sid Master Hand Squidhands Radius Phreakie Sanghelios Updated as of: 12/3/08
Can you make it look nicer by putting the name of the creator bigger and put spaces in between some stuff. It is hard to read. This is really cool btw.
Ya kind of agree, its kind of boring to look at but the only way you could really make it look better is by posting small pics of all the maps lol you have been helpful to the community a lot the past few days, hm...
Ya it would be Idk know how you could make it look more appealing, I guess different colors and spaces in between each map could help it out. pictures would be a lot of work if he did he would probably get attention for it
wow...I never thought I'd see anything remotely constructive out of you... this is amazing sir...good job.
its good. just alittle inaccurate. Just some off the bat Battyman has 2 maps Silence has 2 maps buddhacrane has two imo: author alphabetical order is better than by release. and get rid of the packs as a link each of those maps was a feature. edit: Terminals isnt under Matty edit2: textured sun has two... longest yard is the other
Wow sharp i know this is your thread and all but wow thats a lot of spam going on. You dont have to post an update of a thread lol unless its added to a reply or something. BTW I like the update you bolded the letters i think, makes it easier to look at
dun wrry itz gun b k i got infracted and also that first was a response to sarge/ no spam. and the third was a reply to vice.
Nice job, sharpshooter. I bet you spent a very long time doing this. This is really helpful to a lot of ppl who are new to FH.
I like that you keep it up to date :] nice work im surprised we have around 90 people with featured maps lol.
Also, to most that are unaware. thesilencebroken did the majority of Bayonetwork(from what he's told me) and the way it's laid out now, will give the wrong impression. It's a good effort but this is what I call my one stop shop for featured maps: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/featured-halo-maps/
if a map is made by two people, it should be listed under both. for example: I made most of bayonetwork, and blaze helped put the finishing touches on it. however, it sits under blaze, and i look like i got one feature. i dont like that system.