New Odyssey -- Now Hiring!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Confused Flamingo, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello, all. This is a brief and simple message, in order to recruit some testers for a puzzle by BlazeisGod and myself. It's a Co-Op puzzle, and is quite the challenge, so if you deem youself and a friend of extended intellect, then sign up here. We're doing this in a one by one fashion of sorts; we're only taking testers as we need them. Basically, there's just a few rules you must agree to for us to begin.

    -I will not save this puzzle from my recent games.

    -I will come with the full intentions of completeing the puzzle.

    -I will not give up, until a challenge has become truly intolerable.

    -I will plan ahead, saving some time so that I will not have to exit prematurely.

    -I will not tamper with the gametype settings.

    -I will not reveal the secrets of this puzzle to anyone, ever.

    That's about it. Basically, you're saying you'll give it your most earnest attempts, quit only if it becomes impossible, and not record any of the knowledge you gained. If you feel you can agree to these terms, then get ready to attempt a clean puzzle of true difficulty. If anything, we're looking for:

    -Anything one could do in order to break the map.

    -How difficult you felt it was.

    -How enjoyable you felt it was.

    Thank you, and if you are ready to participate, sign up in the following fashion.

    [FH Username]
    [Confirmed Friend's Gamertag]
    [Large period of availability, in EST]

    Please make sure to confirm that your friend will be able to show up before including his/her name, and make sure the period of availability can span at least two hours. If you can't complete the puzzle by then, you probably shouldn't be attempting it in the first place.

    You will not be monitered. In fact, I'll leave and come back later to record your progress, or you could always message me here if you finish early, should you be able to do so.

    Thanks for your time and consideration. We truly do hope you'll be puzzling with us soon!
    #1 Confused Flamingo, Jul 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2011
  2. X RS Sniper X

    X RS Sniper X Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    [FH Username] X RS Sniper X
    [Gamertag] X RS Sniper X
    [Confirmed Friend's Gamertag] ExecutedShark
    [Large period of availability, in EST] On 24/7
  3. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Meee me mee meee! I want to test! You're map is noooooob!

    But on a real note, I think a teaser picture is nessesary. :p

    EDIT: and make sure that you set them up with the dumbed down, unbreakable version we had made. :) If you don't have it. I do.
    #3 Blaze, Jul 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2011

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