New Mythic Map Pack Info

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Falconx03, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. Falconx03

    Falconx03 Ancient
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    New Mythic Map pack info

    I, Falconx03 did NOT play these maps. This was all from an MLG player from MLG.

    New Mythic Map Pack Info - MLG Forums

    #1 Falconx03, Dec 2, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2008
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    These details could have possibly reignited my hope for Bungie. After the abomination that was the Legendary map pack, and the total mess-up that is supposedly a "Chill-Out Remake" i thought all was lost. Perhaps i am wrong. I do hope to god that they don't make a mess of Heretic, because my god was Midship an awesome map. Orbital and Citadel don't excite me much but i'm sure they will add some new elements to aysmmetric gaming. Assembly could also be good, and i'm glad to hear they are making something designed for Slayer. However, at PAX it seemed to play horrible. Longshore sounds pretty great though. It's about time they went back and built some decreped urban maps.
  3. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Nice find. I'm am so glad you found this. And finally maybe this will shut people up about the midship remake thing.
  4. KnarFF 213

    KnarFF 213 Ancient
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    You got me pretty happy until i saw the late 3 maps(heritic,longshore,and citadel).Because you got me all ecited about the mpas and i still have to wait another year(almost).I want to play these maps right now,and it looks like the best ones are coming out later(ecept sandbox)
  5. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    This information is not 100% confirmed, so take it with a grain of salt.
  6. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    If it is true, then that sounds really cool. I've been looking forward to the maps ever since we knew there would be another map pack. Longshore sounds pretty epic and I can't wait for sandbox. It;s going to have some amazing forge capabilities and there is going to be a ton of great user created content.
  7. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Again, we don't know this for 100%. Take it with a grain of salt.
  8. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    midship remake! Thank god bungie finally may have done something right. I hope this is true! Although Assembly didn't reportedly play well at PAX, I have seen the vids, it has a nice layout, just the people playing on alot of em were straight up garbage. Longshore sounds epic! The other ones dont really excite me. Bungie has said all the maps are finished, so I really dont understand why they are delaying the releases of Heretic, Longshore, and Citadel. It pisses me off so bad cuz midship + halo 3 = epic!!! I hope this is true! I'm now interested somewhat in things in mythic besides sandbox.
  9. Falconx03

    Falconx03 Ancient
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    they are delaying cuz Bungie is going down the toilet so to speak now. All these new awesome games and stuff are coming out. Bungie knows they dont have much keeping them so they are giving out Recon armor to everyone who can get all 4 vidmaster achievements. They have 5 brand new maps and 1 remake.

    Now they have Halo 3: ODST, formerly known as Halo 3: Recon. They figured with that they can hold back on a few things like the maps. So they are probably keeping the favorites or best maps for later minus Sandbox, if it is something extremely awesome.
  10. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    there puting longshore,citadel and heretic with odst so itll help boost the new games sales. plus we dont want to get spoiled now do we?

    its always good to have something to look forward to.
  11. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    That is the worst logic I've ever heard.
  12. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Microsoft handles DLC. Whenever people have complained about the release date on bnet thats the response from a bungie employee. It definitely sounds like they want to release the whole thing ASAP but clearly microsoft has other plans, kind of annoying if you ask me.
  13. Falconx03

    Falconx03 Ancient
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    wow, i just read what i put and that didnt make sense at all. guess thats what i get for not proof-reading before posting

    well im too lazy to fix it
  14. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    You can easily delete the post or something so it doesn't make you look like an idiot :p:lol:
  15. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    Sounds fun bungie has got me looking forward to this agian. Longshore sound like my fav simply because I like outside cheery maps with water(except Vahalla). But they lack a remake of headlong which makes me sad face.
  16. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Proof reading wont change your logic.
    Do you even know what logic is? Most likely not, but in the case you do discover the true meaning, I'd be delighted to read what you would have written in the sense that you 'proof read' your writing,

    If that was too much for you to understand, grab a dictionary. It's saved many people, including myself, from looking like an idiot.

    If you cannot do that, then all hope is lost.

    Onto your comment then, I find it flawed.
    Why is Halo 3 No. 1 on the charts?
    Because it'll take a lot until someone can give a multiplayer experience quite as good as what Bungie has given it's community.
    Find me a game that compares in the sense (with facts) and I'll be quite astounded.

    @Whisper, I know you want us to, as you would say, 'take "this" with a grain of salt' (for those who don't have a clue, just think 'don't take it seriously'), but Bungie will deny/confirm this rumor.

    Remember 'OMG map making!!!'? Bungie would be stupid to let that happen again, so many people were disappointed.
  17. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    This article almost irrefutably proves that Sandbox is indeed a Forge map.

    The fact that it wasn't revealed to all of these people that played ALL of the other maps (there have been no more map names found in the Xbox tag coding) sparks suspicion. Seeing as it was the only one left out, and not even mentioned, there is some merit in thinking that it was withheld for a reason, possibly (and most likely at this point) being because it's too "big" of a surprise for Bungie to want to risk having it leaked. Big surprises from Bungie would likely come in the custom content field, and since I doubt we'll ever get a film editor or screenshot editor Sandbox is most likely a Forge map or a map editor on its own. For all we know, the best case scenario is that Sandbox isn't even a map at all and rather just a map editor in itself (within Halo 3) with a skull hidden on the default "example map" made with it. The worst case scenario in my opinion is that it's Foundry on steroids (which isn't bad at all for dedicated Forgers like me).

    But what motives would Bungie have for telling us about it early? None. If they told us about it early, or even hinted at it, community speculation would run ridiculously wild as it always has (remember the debate about the X button?), and the vast majority of the community would end up disappointed that their "brilliant" ideas weren't listened to, as usual. Bungie's a smart enough company to have realized that surprise announcements generate more praise and premeditated ones generate your usual Bnet troll hate mail. Their "surprise" release of Cold Storage was pretty much universally loved by the community. Why? Very few people saw it coming. In order for Sandbox to be truly appreciated as it should be, they would logically keep it under wraps as long as possible. If they want it to be appreciated as it seems they do, it is likely a pretty big thing and a big deal, and likely not just a Foundry-style map, which leads me to believe that it will be a map editor of some sort.

    And that's about all I have to say on this issue for the time being! If you read it, congrats! Haha.
  18. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    The only flaw I find with your stuff is that the whole article you talk about isn't even confirmed to be true.
  19. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    You have read my mind!

    I can only hope that Sandbox will come on or before February.
  20. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Doubt it. If it's supposed to come with the limited edition of Halo Wars then I doubt it will come out till at least a couple weeks after.

    Other wise what's the point of buying a game that comes with maps you can get off the market place?

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