Did you here about the new Multi team? Well its gonna have 4 teams of 3 players instead of 6 teams of 2. And my personal favorite part, instead of little old mongooses, we're going to get to play Rocket Hogs!
i heard... kind of dissapointed. multiteam is what my brother and i play when we don't want to depend on any random teammates. 3v3v3v3 should be a little less hectic..... but i loved the team of 2 vs the world type game
I'm disappointed as well. The playlist was more like Team Rumble Pit and gave me 10 enemies to frag. You could also team up and go for tag team kills, or both lone wolf it. Teams of 3 will give it a different and unfamiliar feel compared to the way it currently is.
Yeah, I really loved 2s. It was fun to jump in with a buddy for a match or two. Games were always F'n bananas. I think 3s will be fun and a little less crazy. We'll see how it goes I guess.
they are probably just testing it out to see how it goes. i'd hope that in the future, they will have both the 2 player, and 3 player multi-team lists. more variety can never hurt, right?
Yeah, I was also a little worried about that too, but I always have some friends online that I can play with, so Im good with playin with me, my bro, and my friend. Yeah It would be cool though if they added two different playlists! One with 2 of 6, and one with 3 of 4!
Once people start to get bored of blops I think we'll see a spike in people on Halo and with that Bungie will add more playlists. I think their worry with having too many playlists is that too few people in any given playlist will lead to people playing with the same people over and over. As for Rocket Hog Race (which should really be Rocket Hog Rally) I'm really looking forward to getting to drive a rocket hog. I prefer the handling of the warthog to that of a mongoose, and the massive number of rockets flying should be epic.
And its about time Bungie incorporated the rocket hog into online multiplayer gameplay. (Except for that one firefight map)