xxINFERNOxx submitted a new map: New Mombassa Bridge - Make a run for the enemy flag on an abandoned bridge. Read more about this map...
It's a really nice map friend. Just once critique, if you're going to make a map called "New Mombassa Bridge" maybe not make it in a snowy canvas?
To NILLOC Yeah that would make sense. I started out with the bridge being very Odst inspired so I kept the name throughout its creation.
You could make rain instead of snow. I have just one thing to say. Maps like this one (a one way map from a base to the other) could be better and funnier. You should think about create another way under the bridge, like a bridge under the bridge as we have it in Gephyrophobia or Narrows. It could allow players to have more possibilities to approach the enemy base and maybe prevent the Sniper SPAM if there's a Sniper Rifle on the map, or just the powerful BR which shoot from a far distance. Also, it could allow to players to not face with enemy's vehicles.