Hey everyone, I picked my username because that is my Xbox LIVE gamertag and I run an online gaming community called MPN. You can refer to me by Evolution or just MPN or MPN EVOLUTION. My real name is Ryan. I joined Forge Hub because I love the different types of maps available on here and how they are organized. I've been visiting the site for over a year now and finally decided to sign up. I hope to be alot of help to members and want to be respected on the Forums. I enjoy hanging out with family and being with them. I am on Xbox LIVE alot! I will play with anyone so you can add me on there if you want to. I currently live in Iowa, just right on the Minnesota border in a small community. I've lived in Iowa my entire life. Like I stated, I really want to be a respected member on these Forums, I love Forums pages. I want to help other members with some tips I have and get to know some new people!
Hey Ryan, I'm Aaron and I'll be the first to welcome you to (signing up to) ForgeHub! Nice intro! If you want to help out, you might do well in the Testers Guild! It's a good way to get some games in (well, not so many lately because of the slow activity before Reach, but soon enough much more), meet new people, and get yourself known. Hope to see you around!
Hello Mister MPN, (most likely what I'll be calling you.) as it turns out, I live only a little east of you (Michigan). And for the record, you're perfectly capable of becoming an exceptional member of the ForgeHub community (it's pretty simple actually). Just be sure to read up on the rules, think about things before you post them, and you'll get along perfectly! Being that you say you ran another forum, I'm sure you know the ins and outs of how exactly forums work, but in the event you have a question, you can always PM me, I'll be more than willing to assist if I can. Feel free to send me a friend request on XBL. Gamertag: Noxiw.
Good luck with that one Evolution, his friends list has been full since I've known him... -_- Haha anyway, welcome to forgehub, and I really hope that you can become a respected member of the community as well. I personally enjoy playing all of the cool maps that people make, and testing them out and stuff just for fun, so if you ever are bored and in néed of a custom I'm usualy open but some of my friends are hardcore gamers and it might be hard to keep up! But I'm sure you can do it. If you are really dedicate to becoming a respected member of the community I highly reccomend posting well thought out and literate responses whenever you are using the public forums, and being friendly and helpful all the time. People really notice when either you type really massive threads (trust me on this one...... If they had a charactor count I'd be way up there) or go out of your way to help others in some way; such as the TRC guilds. They are basically groups that Test, Review, or simply set up Customs together and work to assist other members of the community whenever possible.
I clear out like 5 to 10 spaces every now and then. (I had a good number of random friend requests that I never play with.) When it's full with 100 people I actually consider my friend... I don't know what I'll do.