Does anyone know if there is going to be any new maps packs from bungie or was the legendary pack the last one?
Yeah, i didn't have halo 1 or 2 (didn;t have the xbox, just the good ol' 64)but i heard that in halo 2, so many dlc came out, they even made CDs that had all the maps... This game is still taking its toll on our wallet's people, and will continue to for a long, long time...
Wait, wait, wait, wait just a moment... What is ur evidence that there's gonna be a 'mythic' map pack?
Yup, there will be lots and lots of new maps. As Bungie hs said before, they are constantly working on new maps and have several maps under construction at any time. Codename 'Purple Reign' has yet to come out, as it was bumped from the Legendary map pack to the next one.