New map pack under construction

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EvilPretorian, May 21, 2011.

  1. EvilPretorian

    EvilPretorian Forerunner

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    Hi everyone this isn't exactly a preview more of a announcement and info but anyway onto the reason you click on here.
    I have decided to make the best maps I have ever made and put them into a map pack with a theme of past, present and future each of these parts have two maps so onto them.


    The Trenches: In this map I will have a number of trenches for you to duck and dive into them for cover and you will have to be quick as the only cover are the trenches and the main bases where Men with DMRs will be firing as well as bunkers to fire out of. I got the idea from the trenches in WW1/2

    Athena: In this map there will be a temple based upon the Parthenon of Athens and in the middle will be a statue under construction with scaffolding going up, there will be a number of pillars to run behind and also an outdoor area for outdoor long range fighting.


    Run-down: I got this idea from a piece I saw on the news of a run-down street in Iraq that had been torn apart by war with flipped vehicles and all sorts of building that would've been great for a map so that's kinda the basis of the map.

    Estate: This map is based on a estate of flats which makes good sniping positions with elevators as well as a parking lot with loads of cover to get away from the snipers as well as houses here and there to fight in this will probably my most intense action map


    Mother Board: this is the infection map of the map pack and basically the humans start outside of a crashed spaceship and have about 30 - 45 seconds to get as far a way as possible from the entrance as zombies will come through a tele to the entrance and wreck havoc this will be the fun-est map in the map pack.

    Fire Base: this is based on a UNSC base being invaded by covenant forces and will be a large outdoor area with an even BIGGER and will have kick ass aesthetics and close combat and long range fighting this will be the centre piece of the map pack :D

    thanks for reading

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