are ya sure its a covie ship and not human? If thers a mongoose on it thn it musT be human. unless.... an elite decided he wanted a mongoose,stashd it on the ship then paint it purple and give it to his son for Christmas.
There's 2 ghosts on High Ground. But maybe the Elites stole a Mongoose from the humans for there own keeping because the Mongoose pwns all of their vehicles.
It's a moon base, i believe. So it could very likely fit in as it was to drop it in a landing pod or such as that.
Just a tad, but i little like Storage and elongation as well. hopefully they have slidy doors like in gem.
Cause this was leaked. I actually wasn't a big fan of Gemini. I liked the theme of the map but not the map itself. I did like breaking the map a few times but now I just don't see a point to breaking maps. It's boring.
Looks badass. Looks fun. Mongooses in space. Tight. And I wanna see how it plays not just how pretty it is.
You only saw some of the map, but probably the rest will be huge because think about it if their is a mongoose on the map and a ghost that means its a big median size map probably like assembly or a little bigger version of Rat's Nest. They also said their were tunnels. The mongoose I know would all ready be on the map even in normal game play. It is also a human base, its on one of the space stations in the Halo 2 beginning or it could be on the moon and this was not a leak it was shown in the GAMEINFORMER magazine.
1600 MS Points says Orbital is more of a "Indoor Vehicle Paradise" then Rat's Nest was promised to be.
If that is just a base then I can imagine the level being as big or bigger than Rat's Nest. Th'd be cool. Halo needs at least one more Big sized map in the next map pack.