So I've spent a good deal of time forging a new map which I think is close to what some would call professional. However I want to present it on this forum neatly as well. This is where my question comes in. I don't know how to take nice screenshots like the shots I see all over this forum. The only kind of screenshots I know how to take are through the replay theater which requires you to include the player which you are following to be in the picture. Taking a picture this way also requires most shots to be quite close, that is to say I cannot zoom out to show more of the map. I'm convinced I'm missing a feature which allows you to take screenshots not only from wherever you want but also without the players HUD on screen. Anyone want to let me in on whatever I'm missing?
When your in camera mode.. press "Y".. disconnects you from the character you are following and you are able to fly around the map at your will.. (I think its y, oh god now im second guessing myself :-/) Infact When in theater mode you should really try experimenting with the buttons and such.. there is a lot you can do.
There is a way to free roam during a replay in theater, I think its "Y" but I cant remember how to do it off of the top of my head if that is right (and I'm nowhere near an xbox to check what you have to press to do so.
Good to know, I will try pressing everything in theater mode. I want to say that 'Y' is for show/hide the small replay menu, but I will try all anyway. Thanks for the replies, I wanted to get this map out for everyone to try and find any parts of the map which are over active, unfair or any map bugs & glitches.
Y will let you fly around where ever you want. X hides the small menu. and B hides all of the on screen HUD stuff.
Oh and maybe if you controller layout is something other than default different button might be used for different things.. maybe
Thanks Boots and everyone else for clarifying, I hope to have my map up later today after I get home.